All the 16 Finnish universities enter publications to their own publication registers and submit the information to the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture annually Universities apply different information collection methods and use different information systems Until 2010, only publication counts were required From 2011 on, also bibliographic data of publications are reported: Bibliographic notes: Title of publication, author names, title of journal/publisher, volume, issue, ISSN/ISBN etc. Scientific fields (from 1 to 6 per publication) Publication type (according to a 16-itemized categorization)
The duplicates are removed and false information (e. g. conflicting publication types, typing errors in ISSN numbers) are corrected centrally In 2011, the total of 35,000 publications were reported Statistical data on universities’ publications will be available in the national reporting portal providing diverse statistical and indicator-based data on all sectors of education: ”Publication portal” in a planning phase: would enable browsing and searches from the bibliographic data (pilot version ready by the end of 2012)
“National publication register project” ( ) was launched jointly by the Ministry of Education and Culture and higher education institutions A proposal was drawn up for a shared national research information system in which all Finnish public research organisations would primarily enter their publications However, the Ministry concluded in the end of 2011 that the existing decentralised data collection meets Ministry’s needs the Ministry will not intervene on which information systems are used by the universities the universities are free to consider whether they should produce joint research information systems
Publications as one criterion in the Finnish universities’ budget funding model since 2007 In , only 1.7% of the total budget funding was distributed according to publishing performance For , the share of publications will be increased to 13% New quality indicator of scientific publications from 2015 on: Publication Forum level ratings 9% of the total budget funding 4% of the total budget funding International peer- reviewed publications Other scientific/scholarly publications Publication Forum levels 2 and 3 Publication Forum level 1
Working group of the Finnish Council of University Rectors 2009: How to evaluate the quality of scientific publishing? Citation analysis: problems of database coverage in humanities, social sciences and engineering Norwegian and Danish model: rating of all relevant ”scientific publication channels” by expert panels Publication Forum Project was founded in 2010 to produce a national rating of journals, conference and book series, and book publishers in all disciplines Publication Forum is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and organised by Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
23 panels created (210 panelists) partly overlapping lists of serials, a common book publisher list Level quotas based on number of titles, not of publications Level 1=scientific publication channels (80%) Level 2=leading scientific publication channels (20%) Level 3=”high-end” leading journals and series (25% of level 2) in the funding model no distinction between level 2 and 3
Regular updates of ratings: New publication channels added to level 1 every year (next round 2012) Ratings revised every 3 years (next round 2014) Data quality Application of ratings to reported publications important challenge for data collection A national working group has been set to improve the quality of universities’ publication data Nordic collaboration?
Contact Hanna-Mari Puuska Tel: Janne Pölönen Tel: WWW: