A brief presentation
School Inspectorate of Prahova County, is an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Education. Main task is to coordinate and to control the schools of all levels in the county of Prahova: schools, with employees, teachers, administrative staff and other staff, and pupils, from 3 to 19 years. There are 35 school inspectors.
The total number of schools constitute the school network. The school network is organized by the local councils based on the agreement of the school Inspectorates. Irrespective of their form or level, schools are subjected to periodical evaluation and accreditation by the National Agency of Quality (ARACIP) – an external evaluation body.
The school staff is divided in: teaching staff and non-teaching staff Teaching positions are filled as a result of national exams, locally coordinated by the School Inspectorates. The employment contract is signed by school leaders. Employees filling non-teaching positions take part in contests organized at the school level.
Annual evaluation of the management activities carried on by school leaders is achieved by the School Inspectorate based on a methodology designed by the Ministry of Education. The evaluation of general and deputy general inspectors takes place annually and is carried on by the ministry. Decisions regarding employment, rewards, sanctions or firing of the teaching staff are taken by vote within the Board of Administration.
Is organized along five levels: 1) early education (0-6 years) made up of: a)pre-nursery education(0-3 years); b)nursery education (3-6 years); 2) primary education, i.e.preparatory form and I-IV forms (6-11years);
Is organized along five levels: 3)secondary education made up of: a) lower secondary education, i. e. gymnasium; b) upper secondary education, which may be: -high-school education (IX-XII forms) with three directions: theoretical vocational, technological; -professional schools education of minimum three years duration;
Is organized along five levels: 4) tertiary non-university education, i. e. post high-school education.
High-school education has three directions: a) theoretical field :humanities and scientific; b)technological field: technical, services, natural resources, environment protection; c) vocational field: military, theological, sports, pedagogical, arts.
The Ministry of Education: -elaborates, applies, monitors and evaluates the national educational policies; -monitors the activity of external evaluation; -coordinates and controls the national system of education; -sets up the national curriculum; -decides on the structure of the national pre- university network and the number of pupils and submits them to the approval of the Government; -elaborates regulations for the functioning of the educational system.
The School Inspectorate: - ensures putting into practice in schools of the policies and strategies designed by the Ministry of Education; - coordinates accession to high-schools and national evaluations.
The school board of administration: constituted of 7, 9 or 13 members- teachers, representatives of the parents and of the local councils. The school leader carries out the decisions of the board of administration; - administers the budget, the material assets of the school; - he/she is appointed by the General Inspector as a result of a contest organized by the Inspectorate. - The school leader signs a four-year contract of administration with the mayor of the town.