PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Cluster-Jet works at GSI Herbert Orth, GSI Darmstadt, Germany Title.


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Presentation transcript:

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Cluster-Jet works at GSI Herbert Orth, GSI Darmstadt, Germany Title

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. INFN/GSI/SMI Cluster-jet Works at Cluster-target apparatus –systematic cluster yield measurements –gas load towards the scattering chamber –Experiments with the Genova cluster catcher Implementation of a full slow controle system based on LabView Development of new improved nozzles Development of new Cluster-jet source Mock–up apparatus for target-beam crossing Internal workshop FNAL/INFN/GSI/SMI

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. New INFN/SMI/GSI Cluster-Jet Nozzle Chamber Skimmer Chamber Scattering Chamber Differential Chamber Catcher Chamber Jet Head not installed TP 1000 TP 3500

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Internal workshop FNAL/INFN/GSI/SMI Genova, GSI, October Status and problem with target set-up Beam/Target line New Jet-source Clogging of Hydrogen gas line Nozzle development Catcher and mounting at GSI target station

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Cluster-Jet assembly

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. View into Nozzle Head with position and angle adjustmens

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Liquid Hydrogen Jet (P = 20 bar, T = 30 K) Nozzle Jet Skimmer 1 mm

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Original CERN Nozzle

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Fabrication Procedure of CERN Nozzles

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Modified CERN Nozzle

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Assembly of modified nozzle on cold head (exploded) Nozzle Orifice Indium Washers back face Nozzle holder Micro filter H2H2 Cluster-jet Cold Finger Germanium temperature sensor

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. New Nozzle fabrication methods Nozzle throat: 100 micron and with variable orifice Different shapes and angles of diverging part of expanding cone Dies produced by electro erosion with very smooth surfaces, without further surface rectification - then electrolytic deposition of Cu - Hydroforming of Cu- around die Direct nozzle production by electro-erosion (down to 20 micron wires possible) - Problem of first hole

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Cluster-Jet Source with Coolpower 10 MD cryocooler

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O.

Mock-up of Beam – Target Crossing for vacuum studies Source Dump Beam Source

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O. Source Dump Beam Linearized Target-Beam Crossing

PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI November 2010 H.O.

Time lines Date Preparation of vacuum pieces with flanges (in progress) Purchase of equipment (Gauges, gate valve, turbo pumps)Jan 2011 Construction with ITEM toolsJan 2011 Transport of bake-out hardware from ViennaJan 2011 Set-up completedFeb 2011 Start pumpingFeb 2011 Baking-out up to 200 °CMar 2011 MeasurementsMar-June 2011