Discover the Cosmos Michael Kobel (slides prepared by Michael Rockstroh) 2nd IPPOG meeting CERN, 4/11/2011 e-Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom Start: End: funded by EU 7th Framework Programme
Motivation Situation of Science & Society 1.Fact: science education is far from attracting crowds and in many countries the trend is worsening - scientific literacy - positive attitude towards science - science students numbers 2.Image: science education is irrelevant and difficult The way science is taught: abstract, often without sufficient experimental, observational and interpretational background; excessively factual. 3.Many initiatives in EU to improve, but: mostly small scale. [Rocard et al., 2007]
Strategies for improving science education Renewed pedagogy: inquiry based methods developing natural curiosity Early contact to science: teaching scientific methods and concepts, meeting scientists Support the teachers: in understanding science, with scenarios, materials, curricula Good practices: identification, integration and dissemination Bringing to large scale, community development EU 7th Framework Programme Discover the Cosmos: e-Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom
… that are offering access to large research infrastructures (telescopes, accelerators, particle detectors) with proven effectiveness in promoting the scientific methodology and in increasing students motivation and interest Discover the Cosmos: eScience initiatives …
Coordination Inst.of Accelerating Systems and Applications (GR) Prof. Christine Kourkoumelis (ATLAS) RESEARCH INFRA- STRUCTURES CERN (Switzerland) Prof. Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CMS) Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (France) University of Coimbra (Portugal) João Fernandes (Sun4all, ESO science outreach network) University of Glamourgan (UK) Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University (UK) Liverpool John Moores University (UK) e-SCIENCE ENVIRONMENTS AND APPLICATIONS University of Dresden (Germany ) Prof. M.Kobel (ATLAS), Prof. G.Pospiech (Didactics), Dr.Uta Bilow, Michael Rockstroh (employed by this project) University of Madrid (Spain) University of Birmingham (UK) Dr John Wilson (ATLAS), Prof Peter Watkins (ATLAS), Lynne Long Ellinogermaniki Agogi (GR) Dr. Sofoklis Sotiriou Núcleo Interactivo de Astronomia (Portugal) DISSEMINATION Science View (GR) Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (Austria) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) Dr. Carl Pennypacker (HOU), Dr. Michael Barnett (ATLAS) Consortium
Research Infrastructures, Archives and Databases CERN (LHC, CMS, ATLAS) Faulkes Telescopes (Hawaii & Australia) robotic DSPACE Telescopes (Europe and Chile) COSMOS Scientific Repository for Science Education Learning with ATLAS Repository for Science Education
eScience Environments HYPATIA, AMELIA, MINERVA (Data Analysis Tools for particle detectors) SALSAJ and IMAGEL (Analysis Tools for Images from Telescopes) Interfaces for operating Robotic Telescopes Virtual Visits and Demos
Galileoteach5,000 Masterclassesstud6,000 COSMOSteach3,000 DSPACEteach1,000 NSOStd+teac1,150 HoU Faulkes telescopes Std+teac teach Std+teac 500 ~ Users = teachers, teacher’s trainers, students, curriculum developers, parents, researchers, policy makers Different communities to be integrated effectively to form the virtual Users Community Guidelines and Supporting Materials for teachers and Outreach Groups Support environment -> to engage users (on-line questionnaire) Using initial workshops (in 3 cycles in every country) and existing portals Developing the Discover the Cosmos Users Community
Local and National Implementation Activites ( each country) Training Courses for Teachers Physical and Virtual Visits to the Research Infrastructures Summer Schools Science Contests for Teachers, Students MasterClasses Discussion Forums and Debates Demonstrations, Exhibitions and School Events A series of guidelines and recommendations (a guide of good practice) for future reference and use from the outreach groups of the research infrastructures Awareness raising activities
International contests on the best eScience activities (2) International training seminars for teachers (in the framework of the CERN Teachers Seminars) Winter/Summer Schools (for teachers and teachers’ trainers) under the framework of the COMENIUS action International IPPOG Masterclasses NEW: International e-Masterclasses events that will allow teachers and students to have the Masterclasses experience without physically having to be at a research center or a university lab but rather from their classroom by connecting to CERN via the Internet (May 2012 – August 2013) YOUR SUPPORT IS WELCOME ! -> contact Michael Rockstroh International Implementation Activities 2nd IPPOG meeting CERN, 4/11/2011