Coleen Hill K-2 Students
What color do you think light is?
It’s White!!!
Primary Colors Three colors make up the color of light: Red, Green, and Blue. When you mix these three colors together they make WHITE LIGHT! Also, these three colors make up all the other colors.
What happens when you mix two colors together? Red + Blue = Magenta Red + Green= Yellow Blue + Green= Cyan
Now Lets Mix Paint Colors! First mix the red and blue paint. What color does it make? Next, mix the red and green paint. What color does it make? Finally, mix the blue and green paint. What color does it make? What color do you get when you mix all of them together?
What happens when you start mixing these six colors? Magenta + Green= whiteThey All Make Yellow+ Blue= whiteWhite! Cyan + Red= white These are Complementary Colors Complementary Colors are when any two colors add up to make white.
Selective Reflection Why do you think you see the colors you see? Why is a rose red, a leaf green, or a banana yellow? We see the colors we see because of a thing called selective reflection.
Most objects around us reflect light rather than emit it. This means instead of an object making its own light to shine off, the object takes in light from something else and bounces part of it back off. When an object is solid some light is absorbed and some is reflected. The color we see on an object comes from the type of light they are reflecting.
Selective Reflection Example Say you have a banana. When white light hits the banana all the colors are absorbed except for yellow. The yellow light bounces off and hits our eyes. So that is why we see yellow
Different materials react to light differently. Solid materials: the light will bounce off of the object and reflect a certain color. Like we explained with the banana. Transparent Materials( materials you can see through): the light will the light that comes from the object just goes through it.
Why is the Sky Blue? The sky is blue because of the result of a thing called selective scattering The Earths atmosphere is made up mostly of two things/gases called Nitrogen and Oxygen molecules. These molecules are energized by sunlight and it causes them to move very quickly. The reemitted light is sent in several directions causing the light to be scattered.
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