Contents Introduction to Traffic engineering 1. TRAFFIC STUDY : Objects Various Traffic Studies Presentation of traffic data 2. TRAFFIC FORECASTING: Introduction Data for estimation and period for forecasting Fore-casting methods 3. Case study 4. Conclusion
INTRODUCTION TO TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Definition Traffic engineering is that branch of engineering which deals with the improvement of traffic performance of road networks and terminals. .
contd.. The study of Traffic engineering may be divided into major section viz.. Traffic characteristics. Traffic studies and analysis. Traffic operation, control and regulation. Planning and analysis. Geometric design & Management.
Different traffic studies Traffic Volume study, 2. Speed Studies, i) Spot speed study ii) Speed and delay study 3. origin and destination study ( O & D)
Speed studies spot speed Spot speed is the instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specified section or location. Methods of measuring Spot Speeds: There are two methods 1. Long base methods 2. Short base methods
It is one of the simplest method of finding spot speed. Spot speed by enoscope It is one of the simplest method of finding spot speed. Its principle is the observer is stationed on one side of the road and start a stop watch when a vehicle crosses that section(i.e.,observer).the enoscope is placed at a convenient distance say 30m to 50m,the moment when the vehicle crosses the section where enoscope is fixed,the stop watch is stopped. Time required to cross the known length is found and is converted to speed in KMPH.
Contd.. Presentation of spot speed data a) Average speed of vehicles b) Cumulative speed of vehicles Cumulative speed of vehicles
Methods of measuring speeds and delays There are various methods of carrying out speed and delay study, namely, a) Floating car or riding check method b) License plate or vehicle number method c) Interview technique d) Elevated observations and e) Photographic technique.
Origin and Destination Studies The O & D studies of vehicular traffic determines their number, their origin and destination in each zone under study The various applications of o & D studies may be summed up as follows: To locate expressway or major routes along the desire lines. To judge the adequacy of parking facilities and to plan for future. To locate intermediate stops of public transport. To establish preferential routes for various categories of vehicle including by pass.
Methods for collecting the O & D data Road-side interview method, License plate method. Return post card method, Tag-on-car method and The choice of the method is made judiciously depending on the objective and location.
TRAFFIC FORECASTING Need: Data for estimation: To plan the construction of a new facility of the improvement of existing facilities. Accurate estimate of future traffic will influence the engineering design of the facility and the economic decision whether to take up the project or not. Data for estimation: data on traffic flows, capacities of different links in the network, locational pattern of future projects of potential traffic generation etc.
CASE STUDY Travel demand forecasting on national highways The 218.75 Km stretch of NH-2 (Calcutta to Delhi) from madanpur (180Km) to Barwa-Adda (398.75Km) has been considered as a case study on travel demand forecasting. In the present study volume counts survey were conducted along the project stretch. 24 hr O & D survey were conducted at two locations namely Barkatta & Rajganj. For the year 1998 the traffic volumes on the study stretch for pavement design and economic analysis is 11973(Total) and the estimated future traffic for the year 2028 is 83069(total).
CONCLUSION For an economic development of our country proper Transportation planning is a must. In the present stage, there is a lack of statistical or traffic data. So, A traffic study such as Traffic volume study, speed study, O & D study. should be conducted throughout the country on a sampling basis to find out the capacities under different topographic conditions, traffic composition, surface conditions for both rural and urban areas and the existing traffic data should be utilised in an optimum way by proper co-ordination between various modes of transport. Estimation of future traffic by mechanical method and analytical method is done on scientific basis. for estimating future traffic by analytical method, O & D Traffic study gives the better idea for urban areas