Perceiving the Self and Others Chapter 2 Perceiving the Self and Others
Chapter Outcomes Describe how our personal perspective on the world influences our communication Explain how we use and misuse schemas when communicating with others Define the attributions we use to explain behavior
Chapter Outcomes (cont.) Describe cultural differences that influence perception Identify how our self-concept—who we think we are—influences communication Describe how our cognitions about ourselves and our behavior affect our communication with others
Perception A cognitive process through which we interpret our experiences and come to our own unique understandings 4
Communication Processing Gathering, organizing, and evaluating the information we receive Also involves our basic senses, along with personal factors 5
The Perception Process Selecting information Organizing perceptions Interpreting perceptions Improving perceptions 6
Schemas: Organizing Perceptions Mental structures that put together related bits of information Help us understand how things work and how they should proceed Evolve and change over time 7
Challenges with Schemas and Perception Mindlessness Passive information processing vs. mindfulness Selective perception Receiving only the information we want Undue influence Giving another person power over our perceptions 8
Attributions: Interpreting Your Perceptions Attributions: personal characteristics used to explain others’ behaviors Fundamental attribution error: overemphasizing internal, underestimating external causes of behaviors 9
Attributions: Interpreting Your Perceptions (cont.) Self-serving bias: attributing personal success to internal factors Interaction appearance theory: changing another’s attributions based on increased contact
Improving Your Perceptions Verify your perceptions. Be thoughtful when seeking explanations. Look beyond first impressions. 11
Perception in a Diverse World Culture affects how we perceive ourselves and others. 12
Perceptual Barriers Narrow perspective Stereotyping Cultural myopia: believing one’s own culture is appropriate and relevant in all situations Stereotyping Fitting others into an existing schema without adjusting the schema appropriately May be positive, negative, or neutral 13
Perceptual Barriers (cont.) Prejudice Deep-seated feelings of unkindness and ill will toward particular groups Usually based on negative stereotypes and feelings of superiority over those groups
Cognition: Perceiving Ourselves Self-concept Self-esteem Self-efficacy
Self-Concept: Who You Think You Are Influenced by thoughts, actions, abilities, values, goals, and ideals Influences how you communicate with others Reinforced by how others communicate with you based on: Direct and indirect evidence Social comparison theory
Self-Esteem: How You Feel About Yourself A set of attitudes you hold about your own emotions, thoughts, abilities, skills, behavior, and beliefs Linked to self-concept: You must know yourself to have attitudes about your self.
Self-Efficacy: Assessing Your Own Abilities Ability to predict actual success based on your self-concept and self- esteem Affects your ability to interpret events and cope with failure and success Inaccurate self-efficacy can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies.
Assessing Our Perceptions of Self Self-Actualization Feelings and thoughts resulting from negotiating a communication situation as well as you possibly could Can lead to satisfaction
Assessing Our Perceptions of Self (cont.) Self-Adequacy Assessing your communication competence as sufficient or acceptable Can lead to contentment or self- improvement
Assessing Our Perceptions of Self (cont.) Self-Denigration A negative assessment (self- criticism) about a communication experience. Often unwarranted that occurs when communicators place undue importance on weaknesses
Behavior: Managing Our Identities Self-presentation Intentional communication designed to show elements of self for strategic purposes Occurs through various channels Requires self-monitoring
Behavior: Managing Our Identities (cont.) Self-disclosure Revealing yourself to others by sharing personal information Must not be information easily known to others Sharing must be voluntary
Behavior: Managing Our Identities (cont.)
Technology: Managing the Self and Perceptions Self-presentation can be more controlled online than in person. Make conscious choices about what to reveal to others. Others may create perceptions about you based upon what you reveal. Technology allows for experimentation with identity.