Humanoid-Human Interaction Presented by KMR ANIK 1
Humanoid-Human Interaction Study of human factors related to the tasking and control of humanoid robots Goal is to make communication efficiently, accurately and conveniently with human Since humanoid are most of the time heavy and large, safety should be ensured during communication Make humanoid suitable for learning and adaptive behavior 2
Mode of Communications Sound recognition and Response Visual Communications Gesture identifications Identifying speech identifying the area from where the sound comes detecting emotions of the sounds detecting specific commands from sounds Detecting Human/Animal faces Acting according to the image/video detection Finding emotions Show Impression according to the input received Identifying and showing different signs and emotions Head Pose estimation Pointing gesture detection Performing arts such as dancing, showing special body movements 3
Karlsruhe Humanoid-Analysis of a multimodal communication-1 Perceptual Components A. Speech recognition B. Sound event classifications C. Person localization and tracking D. Face identification E. Pointing gesture detection F. Head-pose estimation G. Dialogue processing and Fusion H. Tight coupling of speech and dialogue processing Karlsruhe Humanoid Robot source: Ref [1] 4
Karlsruhe Humanoid-Analysis of a multimodal communication-2 Figure in left shows the overview of the perceptual components of Karlsruhe Humanoid source: Ref [1] 5
Challenges in Humanoid-Human interaction Determining which of the incoming visual/audio signals are relevant to the current tasks Mapping between bodies Recognizing success and identifying inadequate actions Chaining between the actions should be identified Generalizing the tasks source: Ref [2] 6
Technology-Visual and Audio High resolution camera to Kinect Inventing computer vision techniques 360 degree movable eyes and head Signal processing software developed Better hardware implementation Visual Sound 7
Why advancements for Humanoid-Human interaction? Social robotics Humanoid-Human Collaboration Breaking the communication barrier between human and machine More situational awareness for humanoid More task handling capability 8
Human-Humanoid Interaction Asimo Identifying specific people and talk accordingly Identifying speech, tone, order No facial expression Showing different signs Can identify and evaluate task Can perform Greetings and handshake Photo courtesy: 9
Human-Robot Interaction: Jibo-Social Robotics Identifying specific people and talk accordingly recognizing speech, tone, order Showing facial expression Can identify visual objects Can identify and evaluate task Show expressions like human Photo courtesy: 10
Conclusion Maximum utilization of a Humanoid robot is possible only when the interaction with human is accurate and smooth 11
References 1. Rainer Stifelhagen, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Chistian Fuguen, petre gieselmann, hartwig holzpfel, florian kraft, kai nickel, Micheal voit and Alex waibel “Enabling multimodal human-Robot interaction for the Karlsruhu Humanoid Robot”. IEEE Transtactions on robotics VOL 23, NO. 5, October, Rodney A. Brooks, Cynthia Breazeal, Brial Scassellati, Una-May O’reilly, “Technologies for Human/Humanoid natural interactions”, MiT artificial intelligence laboratory. 3. Cynthia breazeal, Andrew Brooks, David chilongo, Jesse gray, Guy Hoffman, Corry Kidd, Hans lee, Jeff Lieberman, Andrea lockerd, “Working Collaboratively with humanoid robots”. MIT media lab, Robotic life group. 4. Hyun S.Yang, Yong-Ho seo, Yeong-nam chae, II-woong jeong, Won-Hyung Kang, ju-ho Lee, “Design and development of Biped Humanoid Robot, AMI2, for social interaction with humans”. AIM Lab, EECS dept, Korea advanced institute of science and technology. 12
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