Bodies of water performed: Tsydypova Ayagma Zhalsanzhapova Tsymzhid Erdyneeva Dezhid checked: Oyuna Munkozhargalovna
We present bodies of water in Russia. Russia is washed by three oceans. And Russia have a lot of lakes and rivers.
Oceans… There are The Arctic ocean, The Pacific ocean and The Atlantic ocean.
The Arctic ocean The Arctic ocean is located to the north from Russia.The Arctic ocean is the smallest of the ocean, an area 14,74.767million km ², that is just over 4% of the total area of the oceans. Arctic Ocean the most shallow of all the oceans.
This is The Arctic ocean
The Pacific ocean The Pacific ocean is situated to the east from Russia. The Pacific ocean is the deepest in the world, the hottest of the oceans and the oldest.
This is The Pacific ocean This is Russia
The Atlantic ocean The Atlantic ocean is located to the west from Russia. The Atlantic ocean - the second largest ocean of the Earth after the Pacific Ocean.
This is The Atlantic ocean
Rivers… The longest river in Russia is Ob- Irtysh. Its lengs is 5410 km. Ob with the Irtysh - the longest river in Russia and second largestin in Asia.
This is Ob-Irtysh
Yenisei The magnitude of runoff (624 km ³) Yenisei takes a place among the rivers of Russia. By Yenisei area, swimming pool (2580 sq km ²)Yenisei in 2nd place among the rivers of Russia (after Obi) and the 7th place among the world's rivers.
This is Yenisei
Amur On the basin Amur is the fourth largest river in Russia after the Yenisei, Ob and Lena and tenth place among the world's rivers. Its 4444 km.
This is Amur
Lena The Lena is located not far from Baikal to the north. Its lengs is 4400 km.
This is Lena
Lake Lake Baikal The deepest, oldest( about 20 million years old) and largest lake in the world is Baikal. The lake is located to the south from Atlantic ocean in Asian past of Russia. Depht of Baikal is 1637 m.
This is Baikal