Karkonosze Variscan granitoid pluton:1 – monzogranite and porphyritic granodiorite; 2 – medium-grain biotite monzogranite; 3 – fine-grain monzogranite, aplite and aplogranite; pre-Variscan metamorphic cover: 4 – mainly mafic rocks; 5 – metamorphic schists; 6 – gneiss; diamonds – sampling places (after W. Kozdrój, O. Krentz, M. Opletal, 2001, changed). Localisation of the sampled outcrops in the Karkonosze pluton
Bismite α-Bi 2 O 3 Monoclinic, 2/m, prismatic class (pseudoor- thorhombic) Yellow in various shades (also gray or green- ish); transparent or translucent. Prismatic or lathy habit (laths in loose radial groups, sometimes bent), usually equant grains in dusty or massive covers. Crystal sizes up to 0.5 mm. Samples from quarries at Szklarska Poręba Huta (collected in 1977) and at Michałowice (found in 1983); thin, of small surface crusts with rare subhedral crystals on quartz from veinlets bearing sulfides of bismuth and other elements. Idealized bismite crystal, drawn on the basis of the morphology of 6 subhedral crystals of the length of mm, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Bismite α-Bi 2 O 3 Bismite laths arranged in two fans, Michałowice; this aggregate was an exceptional one.
Bismite α-Bi 2 O 3 *K. Mochnacka et al., 2009, Geologia Sudetica, v. 41, p. 43–56 Compo- nents, wt. % Michało- wice Szklarska Poręba 1 Szklarska Poręba 2 Czarnów* Bi 2 O Sb 2 O As 2 O –0.23– Fe 2 O CuO 0.17––0.29 Ag 2 O ––0.26– Total
Bismite α-Bi 2 O 3 Crystalochemical formulae: Michałowice (Bi 1.95 Sb 0.02 As 0.01 Fe 0.01 Cu 0.01 ) Σ2.00 O 3 Szklarska Poręba Huta 1 (Bi 1.98 Sb 0.03 Fe 0.01 ) Σ2.00 O 3 Szklarska Poręba Huta 2 (Bi 1.96 Sb 0.01 As 0.01 Fe 0.01 Ag 0.01 ) Σ2.00 O 3 Czarnów* (Bi 1.97 Fe 0.01 Cu 0.02 ) Σ2.00 O 3 *K. Mochnacka et al., 2009, Geologia Sudetica, v. 41, p. 43–56 Analyses by electron microprobe Cameca sx 100 (here and the next ones). X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Michałowice 3,451 (20) 3,249 (100) 3,180 (13) (65) 2,690 (60) 2,555 (15) 2,388 (13) Szklarska Poręba Huta 1 3,455 (18) 3,250 (100) 3,178 (12) 2,707 (60) 2,695 (58) 2,551 (14) 2,386 (11) Harrachov, Czech Republic (J. Sejkora and T. Řídkošil, 1997) 3,454 (15) 3,252 (100) 3,183 (10) (61) 2,696 (61) 2,554 (11) 2,391 (11)
Sillénite Bi 12 SiO 20 Isometric, 23, tetartoidal class (cube and tetrahedrons) Orange-yellowish, red-brownish, yellow- to olive-green, gray- greenish; translucent. Equant habit; fine-granular, loose to compact aggregates. Grain size up to 0.5 mm. Specimens from the quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta (found in 1978), crusts with bismite in ore-bering quartz veinlets. Idealized sillénite crystal drawn on the basis of 4 subhedral grains ca. 0.3 mm in size, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Sillénite Bi 12 SiO 20 Chemical composition, wt. %. Szklarska Poręba Huta (a)Bi 2 O SiO Σ Szklarska Poręba Huta (b)Bi 2 O SiO Σ Traces of Fe, Sb and Ag in both samples. Crystalochemical formulae: Szklarska Poręba Huta (a)Bi Si 1.02 O 20 Szklarska Poręba Huta (b)Bi (Si 0.61 Bi 0.39 ) Σ1.00 O 20 X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (a) (20) (100) (18) (51) (14) (15) (16) Szklarska Poręba Huta (b) (17) (100) (17) (61) (12) (10) (14) Fuka, Japan (I. Kusachi and C. Henmi, 1991) (24) (100) (22) (58) (11) (13) (13)
Kusachiite CuBi 2 O 4 Tetragonal, 4/mmm, ditetragonal dipyramidal class Very dark gray-brown with reddish tint, black; opaque. Habit: short-prismatic, thick platy. Crystal size up to 0.5 mm. Single crystals and their parallel growths, globular aggregates. In epithermal quartz, Michało- wice quarry (found in1985). Kusachiite, parallel growth, Michałowice.
Kusachiite CuBi 2 O 4 Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Michałowice CuO Ag 2 O 1.44 Bi 2 O Sb 2 O Σ Traces of Fe, Mn and As. Crystalochemical formula: (Cu 0.96 Ag 0.04 ) Σ1.00 (Bi 1.97 Sb 0.03 ) Σ1.00 O 4 X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Michałowice 4.25 (21) (100) (18) (20) (14) (18) (14) Fuka, Japan (C. Henmi, 1995) 4.26 (17) (100) (16) (18) (13) (18) (12)
Russellite Bi 2 WO 6 Orthorhombic, mm2, pyramidal class Yellow, various shades, pale green, olive green; translucent. Habit: laths, rods, plates, anhedral fine-grained; crystals rarely up to 0.5 mm, usually smaller. Aggregates: compact, rarer radial, fan-like, rosettes of platy crystals. Radial aggregate of russellite crystals, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Russellite Bi 2 WO 6 Found in quartz veinlets with wolframite, scheelite and molybdenite plus sulfides of iron, copper, bismuth and with cassiterite. Specimens collected in the quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta in Rosette of platy russellite crystals, Szklarska Poręba Huta; SEM, scale bar 10 μm.
Russellite Bi 2 WO 6 Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta WO Fe 2 O Bi 2 O Sb 2 O PbO 0.98 Σ Traces of Mn and As. Crystalochemical formula: (Bi 1.91 Sb 0.05 Pb 0.03 ) Σ1.99 (W 0.93 Fe 0.07 ) Σ1.00 O 6 X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (100) (33) (19) (18) (15) (11) (21) Synthetic (K. S. Knight, 1992) (100) (29) (22) (22) (16) (10) (19)
Koechlinite Bi 2 MoO 6 Orthorhombic, mm2, pyramidal class (pseudotetragonal) Olive green, yellow-greenish, pale gray, colourless; transparent. Habit: laths, plates, striae according to the crystal elongation. Parallel growths, globular aggregates, compact or earthy crusts; twins according to {101} and {010}. Crystal length up to 1.5 mm. Found in quartz veinlets bearing sulfides of Mo, Fe, Cu, Bi and cassiterite; quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta in Parallel growth of koechlinite crystals, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Koechlinite Bi 2 MoO 6 Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta MoO Fe 2 O Bi 2 O PbO 0.34 Σ Traces of Cu, Ag, Mn, Sb and As. Crystalochemical folmula: (Bi 1.98 Pb 0.01 ) Σ1.99 (Mo 0.98 Fe 0.01 ) Σ0.99 O 6 X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (100) (54) (45) (27) (61) (77) (85) Schneeberg, Germany (C. Frondel, 1943) (10) (6) (5) (3) (6) (8) (9)
Bismoclite BiOCl Tetragonal, 4/mmm, ditetragonal dipyramidal class Light brown, yellowish, pale gray; transparent only in very thin crystals. Habit: scales, plates, fibers; earthy or compact aggregates. Crystals (grains) up to ca. 0.1 mm. Found as thin and small-surface crusts on quartz of the vein- lets with sulfide bis- muth minerals in the quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta in Bismoclite, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Bismoclite BiOCl Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta Bi 2 O Cl –O=Cl Σ Traces of Cu, Fe, Sb and As. Crystalochemical formula: BiOCl X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (100) (68) (92) (29) (35) (29) Synthetic (F. A. Bannister, 1935) (100) (61) (95) (24) (26) (32)
Bismutite Bi 2 O 2 [CO 3 ] Orthorhombic, mm2, pyramidal class (pseudotetragonal) Beige, yellow-brownish, pale yellow, pale green, gray; trans- lucent, opaque. Habit: tabular, equant, acicular; earthy, compact and spherical aggregates. Grains up to 0.5 mm. Found in quartz veinlets with sulfides of iron, copper and bismuth in the quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta in Bismutite, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Bismutite Bi 2 O 2 [CO 3 ] Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta Bi 2 O Sb 2 O CO Σ Traces of Ag, Cu, Fe, Mo and As. Crystalochemical formula: (Bi 1.98 Sb 0.01 ) Σ1.99 O 2 (CO 3 ) 0.98 X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (33) (100) (40) (27) (23) (29) Marropino Mine, Mozambique (Th. G. Sahama, M. Lehtinen, 1968) (30) (100) (41) (25) (22) (30)
Determination of CO 2 in carbonates The large vessel diameter ca. 8 cm. Vessels, black tubes, supports – glass. Cap, green tubes – plastic. Lever to remove cover glass (brown) – plastic. Pairs of triangles – clips. Long black tube – calibrated capillary. Heating wire in silica glass tube (red). Thermocouple and counter (orange). Sample container – removable. Sample 5-20 mg, plus distilled water, covered by glass plate. Reagent – dilute HCl. Measured: volume of CO 2, recalculated to its weight. Device for volumetric determination of CO 2 in carbonates. Idea and project: A. Kozłowski.
Beyerite CaBi 2 O 2 [CO 3 ] 2 Orthorhombic, mmm, bipyramidal class (pseudotetragonal) Pale green, gray-green, yellow in various shades, gray, colourless; transparent, translucent. Habit: tabular, equant, acicular; earthy, compact and spherical aggregates. Grains up to 0.5 mm. Found in quartz veinelts with sulfides of iron, copper and bismuth in the quarries at Szklarska Poręba Huta in 1978 and at Michałowice in Beyerite, drawing on the basis of 5 subhedral crystals 0,2-0,4 mm in size, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Beyerite CaBi 2 O 2 [CO 3 ] 2 Beyerite frequently forms almost parallel growths of many platy crystals. Such growths were found at Michałowice; the outlines of the plates were slightly deformed squares and rectangles. Almost parallel growth of many beyerite plates on the face of a morion crystal, Michałowice.
Beyerite CaBi 2 O 2 [CO 3 ] 2 Only approximately parallel orientation of the beyerite crystals in growths may be detected by use of the petrographic microscope (used immersion liquid Cargille n D 1,600). The photo presents such sub- parallel growth, the platy crystals do not lie perpendicularly to the optic axis of the microscope, but they are slightly inclined. The light extinction in various crys- tals is a bit different. Growth of the platy crystals of beyerite, optic microscope, polarized light, polars ×; Michałowice.
Beyerite CaBi 2 O 2 [CO 3 ] 2 Small crystals of beyerite, which have a thin-platy habit, frequently form the „booklet-type” aggregates, which may be seen very well in the SEM images. Platy beyerite crystals, Szklarska Poręba Huta; SEM image, scale bar 10 μm.
Beyerite CaBi 2 O 2 [CO 3 ] 2 Chemical compositions, wt. %. Szklarska Poręba Huta: CaO 9.58 Bi 2 O CO Σ traces of Ag, Cu and Fe. Crystalochemical formula: Ca 1.03 Bi 1.96 O 2 (CO 3 ) 1.97 Michałowice: CaO 8.35 PbO 2.53 Bi 2 O CO Σ Traces of Sb, Cu and Fe. Crystalochemical formula: Ca 0.92 Pb 0.07 Bi 1.98 O 2 (CO 3 ) 1.99 X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (81) (100) (65) (68) (53) (52) Michałowice (77) (100) (63) (72) (50) (46) Bisundni pegmatite, Rajasthan, India (K. C. Chandy et al., 1969) 3.35 (80) 2.85 (100) 2.67 (70) 2.15 (70) (50) (50)
Kettnerite CaBiO[CO 3 ]F Orthorhombic, mmm, bipyramidal class (pseudotetragonal) Yellow to pale-brown in various shades; translucent. Crusts of single short-lath crystals, spherolitic aggregates of acicular or lathy crystals. Grains up to 0.7 mm. Found in specimens of quartz from veinlets with bismuthinite in the quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta in Kettnerite, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Kettnerite CaBiO[CO 3 ]F Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta CaO PbO 2.52 Bi 2 O CO F 5.14 –O=F Σ Traces of Ag and Fe. Crystalochemical formula: (Ca 0.97 Pb 0.04 ) Σ1.01 Bi 0.99 O[CO 3 ]F 0.96 X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (100) (73) (82) (87) (91) (64) Krupka, Czech Republic (J. Hybler, M. Dušek, 2007) 2.89 (100) (70) (80) (90) (90) (60)
Ximengite Bi[PO 4 ] Trigonal, 32, trigonal trapezohedron class Colourless, very light gray with bluish or greenish tint; transparent. Anhedral to euhedral grains, usually platy ones; earthy aggregates, fine sparse parallel or booklet -like growths. Grains up to 0.1 mm. Ximengite, parallel growth, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Ximengite Bi[PO 4 ] Found in samples of ore-mineralized pegmatite with sulfosalts and sulfides of bismuth, wolframite, cassiterite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and monazite, collected in 1983 in the quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta. Ximengite, booklet-type growths, Szklarska Poręba Huta, SEM image, scale bar 10 μm.
Ximengite Bi[PO 4 ] Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta Bi 2 O Fe 2 O P 2 O As 2 O Σ Traces of Ag, Sb, Pb and Mn. Crystalochemical formula: (Bi 0.99 Fe 0.02 ) Σ1.01 [(P 0.95 As 0.04 ) Σ0.99 O 4 ] X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (66) (87) (84) (100) (71) (53) Ximeng region, Junnan, China (Jiaxin Shi, 1989) (73) (91) (88) (100) (65) (47)
Pucherite Bi[VO 4 ] Orthorhombic, mmm, bipyramidal class Yellow-brown of various shades, red-brown of various shades; transparent to opaque, usually translucent. Habit: equant, tabular, acicular; compact aggregates, fine-grain crusts, single crystals. Crystals up to 5 mm. Found in samples of pegmatite with Bi 2 S 3, pyrite and monazite, collected at Michało- wice in Pucherite crystal, Michałowice.
Pucherite Bi[VO 4 ] Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta Bi 2 O Fe 2 O Mn 2 O V 2 O P 2 O As 2 O Σ Traces of Ag, Sb and Pb. Crystalochemical formula: (Bi 0.96 Fe 0.03 Mn 0.01 ) Σ1.00 [(V 0.96 P 0.02 As 0.01 ) Σ0.99 O 4 ] X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (56) (51) (100) (47) (93) (42) Schneeberg, Germany (R. Miyawaki et al., 1999) (55) (55) (100) (45) (100) (45)
Walpurgite Bi 4 (UO 2 )O 4 [AsO 4 ] 2 ·2H 2 O Triclinic, Ī, pinacoidal class Yellow in various shades, pale-green, sometimes with transition to beige; translucent. Habit: laths, plates; common parallel growths, moreover radial, fan-like ones, earthy or compact accumulations. Crystals up to 5 mm. Found in samples of pegmatite with bismu- thinite, grains of uraninite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and arsenopyrite at Szklar- ska Poręba Huta in Parallel growth of many walpurgite crystals, quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Walpurgite Bi 4 (UO 2 )O 4 [AsO 4 ] 2 ·2H 2 O Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta Bi 2 O Fe 2 O PbO 0.30 UO ThO As 2 O P 2 O V 2 O Total H 2 O obl Σ Traces of Ag, Cu and Mn. Crystalochemical formula: (Bi 3.94 Fe 0.02 Pb 0.02 ) Σ3.98 (U 0.98 Th 0.02 ) Σ1.00 O 4 [(As 1.93 P 0.04 V 0.02 ) Σ1.99 O 8 ]·2H 2 O X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (43) (55) (100) (40) (37) (31) Schneeberg, Germany (C. Frondel, 1958) 9.9 (4) 3.25 (5) 3.11 (10) 3.05 (5) 2.72 (4) 2.41 (4)
Schumacherite Bi 3 O[VO 4 ] 2 OH Triclinic, Ī, pinacoidal class Yellow, yellow-brownish, red- brownish; transparent or translu- cent. Habit: tabular, short-lathy; solid crusts, single grains. Crystals up to 0.1 mm. Found in quartz veinlets bearing sulfides of Fe, Cu and Mo as well as wolframite in the quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta in Schumacherite, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Schumacherite Bi 3 O[VO 4 ] 2 OH Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta Bi 2 O Fe 2 O V 2 O P 2 O As 2 O Total H 2 O calc Σ Traces of Ag, Mn, Sb and Pb. Crystalochemical formula: (Bi 2.97 Fe 0.03 ) Σ3.00 O[(V 0.95 P 0.03 As 0.02 ) Σ1.00 O 4 ] 2 OH X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta 6.20 (42) (58) (100) (77) (73) (52) Schneeberg, Germany (K. Walenta et al., 1983) 6.21 (4) 4.57 (6) 3.28 (10) 3.19 (8) 3.09 (8) (5)
Namibite Cu(BiO) 2 [VO 4 ]OH Triclinic, Ī, pinacoidal class Green of various shades, from olive-green to almost black with greenish tint; translucent. Habit: laths, thick plates; parallel, radial or bundle aggregates, rarely dendritic or globular, solid crusts. Crystals up to 2 mm. Found in quartz veinlets with sulfides of Bi, Fe, Cu and Mo as well as wolframite in the quarry at Szklarska Poręba Huta in Namibite, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Namibite Cu(BiO) 2 [VO 4 ]OH Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta CuO Ag 0.18 Bi 2 O V 2 O P 2 O As 2 O Total H 2 O calc Σ Traces of Fe, Mn, Sb and Pb. Crystalochemical formula: (Cu 0.99 Ag 0.01 ) Σ1.00 (BiO) 2.00 [(V 0.93 P 0.05 As 0.02 ) Σ1.00 O 4 ]OH X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta 5.55 (68) (74) (40) (53) (100) (57) Khorixas, Namibia (O. v. Knorring, Th. G. Sahama, 1981) 5.58 (70) (75) (40) (50) (100) (60)
Eulytite Bi 4 [SiO 4 ] 3 Isometric,, hexakistetrahedric class Colourless, gray, yellow to brown in various shades; transparent to opaque. Crystals up to 2 mm. Euhedral crystals, also penetrating twins; bunchy crusts. In quartz veinlets with bismuthinite from Szklarska Poręba Huta, samples found in 1978 and Eulytite, Szklarska Poręba Huta.
Eulytite Bi 4 [SiO 4 ] 3 Vanadium-rich eulytite has been found in the dumps of the abandoned mine Felix in the deposit area of Miedzianka -Ciechanowice (in the cover of the Karkonosze pluton) by R. Siuda and B. Gołębiowska (2011). The mineral was also recognized in the quarry at Rędziny (J. Parafiniuk 2003). The both occurrences are in the metamorphic cover of the Karkonosze pluton. Eulytite from the cover of the Karkonosze pluton, found in the quarry at Rędziny (photos from J. Parafiniuk 2003); upper photo – bunchy crust, lower one – crystals of the shape of the tristetrahedrons, SEM.
Eulytite Bi 4 [SiO 4 ] 3 Chemical composition, wt. %. Sample from Szklarska Poręba Huta Bi 2 O Sb 2 O Fe 2 O SiO P 2 O As 2 O Σ Traces of Ag, Mn and Pb. Crystalochemical formula: (Bi 3.91 Sb 0.05 Fe 0.04 ) Σ3.00 [(Si 0.94 P 0.03 As 0.03 ) Σ1.00 O 4 ] 3 X-ray diffraction powder analyses (d/n and I): Szklarska Poręba Huta (100) (70) (90) (49) (50) (37) Rędziny, Poland (J. Parafiniuk, 2003) (57) (67) (100) (66) (72) (58)
Final remarks Oxygenic bismuth minerals in the Karkonosze pluton are numerous and probably one may recognize them in larger amount than the presented here 15 species. These minerals formed mostly due to weathering processes that affected sulfides and sulfosalts, but some of them crystallized from epithermal solutions. Accumulations of the secondary bismuth minerals are small, frequently of microscopic dimensions and their finding requires very thorough investigations and studies of a large number of the pegmatite and quartz veinlet samples. Identification of the oxygenic secondary minerals of bismuth may be made on the basis of the X-ray diffraction powder studies and microanalysis of their chemical composition; euhedral and subhedral crystals occur rarely and only occasionally help in mineral recognition.
References Bannister F. A., 1935, The crystal structure of the bismuth oxyhalides, Mineral. Mag., v. 24, p Chandy K. C., Datta A. K., Sengupta N. R., 1969, Beyerite from Bisundni pegmatite, Bhilwara District, Rajasthan, India, Amer. Mineralogist, v. 54, p Frondel C., 1943, New data on agricolite, koechlinite, and the bismuth arsenates. Amer. Mineral., v. 28, p. 536–540 Frondel C., 1958, Systematic mineralogy of uranium and thorium. U.S. Geol. Sur. Bull. v. 1064, p. 239–242 Henmi C., 1995, Kusachiite, CuBi 2 O 4, a new mineral from Fuka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Mineral. Mag., v. 59, p Hybler J., Dušek M., 2007, Revision of the crystal structure of kettnerite CaBi[OFCO 3 ], Eur. J. Mineral., v. 19, p Jiaxin Shi, 1989, Ximengite – a new mineral, Acta Mineralogica Sinica, v. 9, p. 15–19 Knight K.S., 1992, The crystal structure of russellite; a re-determination using neutron powder diffraction of synthetic Bi 2 WO 6. Mineral. Mag., v. 56, p. 399–409 Kozdrój W., Krentz O., Opletal M., Geological map Lausitz-Jizera-Karkonosze; Warsaw Kusachi I., Henmi C., Sillenite from Fuka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, Mineral. J. (Japan), v. 15, p Miyawaki R., Matsubarai S., Hashimoto E., 1999, Pucherite from the Wagu Mine, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, Ser. C, v. 25, p
Mochnacka K., Oberc-Dziedzic T., Mayer W., Pieczka A., Góralski M., New insights into the mineralization of the Czarnów ore deposit (West Sudetes, Poland), Geologia Sudetica, v. 41 p Parafiniuk J., 2003, Secondary bismuth and tellurium minerals from Rędziny (SW Poland), Mineralogia Polonica, v 34, No. 2, p Siuda R., Gołębiowska B., 2011, New data on supergene minerals from Miedzianka-Ciecha- nowice deposit in the Rudawy Janowickie Mountains (Lower Silesia, Poland). Przegl. Geol., v. 59, p. 226–234 Sahama T.G., Lehtinen M., 1968, Bismutite of the granite pegmatites of Zambezia, Mozambique, Bull. Geol. Soc. Finland, v. 40, p. 145–150 Sejkora J., Řídkošil T., Bismite from uranium ore occurrence Harrachov – Rýžoviště, Opera Corcontica, v. 34, p on Knorring O., Sahama Th. G., 1981, Namibite, a new copper-bismuth-vanadium mineral from Namibia, Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., v. 61, p Walenta K., Dunn P. J., Hentschel G., Mereiter K., 1983, Schumacherit, ein neues Wismutmineral von Schneeberg in Sachsen, Tschermaks Mineral. Petrog. Mitt., v. 31, p. 165–173
Late Dr. Piotr Dzierżanowski (in the centre), my colleague in the time of the geological studies, was an excellent specialist in the field of electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. He made all the analyses of chemical composition of my mineral samples, used in this research. Dr. Piotr Dzierżanowski
Prof. Dr. hab. Ryszard Kryza ( ) in memoriam He was an outstanding geologist, who specialized in petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry, including these problems in the area of Lower Silesia. He was also a very good man, full of understanding to all, who liked to learn geosciences from him. I met him for the first time in the summer 1976 or 1977 in the quarry of Szklarska Poręba Huta, where I collected most of the samples, used in this presentation. This is also the reason to recall here this my late friend.
Thank you for your attention