SEASONS Susan B. Anthony, First Grade, 2013 FallWinterSpringSummer Coolcoldwarmhot How do I interact with people and the world around me? How do those interactions affect the way I see things in the world? How does the world work? How do I communicate my perception of the world around me?
Standards Analyze Art Elements and Principles of Design 1.3 Identify the elements of art in objects in nature, in the environment, and in works of art, emphasizing line, color, shape/form, and texture. Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original works of art. 2.2 Mix secondary colors from primary colors and describe the process.
Integrated Learning Outcome Students create a folder of their research on the seasons. It contains the text, close reading and writing to understand lessons from the unit. The cover is the painting of their favorite season. Inside the cover is the artist statement. All this material becomes the text for writing their culminating task :Write an opinion paragraph. What is the best season? Give 3 reasons why.
Creative Process: Imagine/Examine/Perceive Students view a variety of art prints and discuss why the artist chose the colors they used. The paints we had came from “Discover Art” curriculum Warm colors: Study for “La Grande Jatte” by George Seurat Sunny Street by Phillip Evergood Cool colors: View of Toledo by El Greco The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Creative Process: Explore/Experiment/Develop Craft Students experiment with color in several pallets. Warm colors: red – yellow – orange Cool colors: blue – green – purple Shades: red – blue – green + black Tints: red – orange – yellow – green – blue –purple + white Students final project created from a full pallet.
Creative Process: Create Experimenting with colors.
Creative Process: Time to Share! Display board : warm and cool colors.
Creative Process: Reflect/Assess/Revise Using all the text and images we have discussed student were asked to select and defend their favorite season. Choices were shared orally, then written about at home. Then students were asked to paint their favorite season.
Final project
Authentic Performance-Based Summative Assessment Students wrote an “artist statement” to explain how their painting reflects the season.
Culminating task After sharing their paintings and artist statement with the class, Students wrote an opinion paragraph explaining their choice.
Summative Reflection: Teacher Comments What I loved! The conversation about what to paint was great fuel for writing. I wonder if I…. Could provide more scaffolding (sentence frames or word bank) for the artist statement. Many of them were about the season rather than the painting.
This lesson was the result of the work done at the Arts Every Day workshop offered through the Fresno County Office of Education.