Setting up a One Drive Network Drive
Step 1- Account Creation Go to: /en-us/ /en-us/ Click sign up Create a Microsoft account Follow the on screen wizard to create and account
Enter and create a password Your password must be 8 characters long minimum and must contain numbers, letters and symbols. A character is a number letter or a symbol. Sample password(not to be used as your password): Laura24! Microsoft will send an to the address you are setting up your onedrive with so be sure you have access to this before you Uncheck the tick box, by clicking on it, if you don’t want Microsoft sending random promotional s
Step 2- Signing in When signing into one drive use the sign in button at the top right of the page Enter the address that you used to sign up for your account Hit next and choose One Drive on the left Log in using your registered details- you will need to enter your again
Step 3- Uploading a file To upload a file click on the upload link at the top of the page You can only upload individual files in this way, you have to install onedrive to upload folders (more in later slides)
Step 4- Sharing a File To share a file, right click on the file you want to share and select “Share” To share with someone else just add their and a short message (You will be sharing with This will allow the person to edit your document- click “Recipients can edit to change this”. You can also set weather the recipient will need to sign in with a one drive account in order to view your document
Step 5- OneDrive on your PC as a Network drive To view your files on your pc in Microsoft office you can download the one drive app(win8) or program(win7) Do this by clicking on the get OneDrive apps on the bottom left of your OneDrive screen Log in with your Microsoft account and you can copy and paste whole folders to your onedrive by putting them into your new onedrive network drive.