1 Quiz on Gas Laws and Organic Substances Activity
2 Curriculum for Gas Laws u Big Idea: Changes in matter are accompanied by changes in energy. u Competency: Apply the gas laws to problems involving pressure, temperature, volume, and amount of a gas. u PA Standard: 3.2.C.A3: Describe the three normal states of matter in terms of energy, particle motion, and phase transitions.
3 Curriculum for Organic Substances u Big Idea: Chemical bonding occurs as a result of attractive forces between particles. u Concept: The type of bonding that occurs between atoms is related to the valence electrons of those atoms. u PA Standard 3.2.C.A2: Predict chemical formulas based on the number of valence electrons.
4 Today’s Agenda u Opener: What is the difference between a direct relationship and an inverse relationship? u Quiz On the gas laws. u When you are finished the Quiz: Read in the big red book u Organic Substances Activity: 1. Does the term “organic” mean something different to food shoppers than it does to chemists? 2. Activity: Discover an organic compound present in the peels of citrus fruits 3. Discussion of Ethylene 4. Define the Chem Words in your notes. Closure: What does “organic” mean to chemists? Take Home Assignment: Checking Up on page 64 of Active Chemistry
5 Activity u Observe the properties of an orange peel, and record them in your notebook. u When you pinch the orange peel near the flame of a candle, what do you observe?
6 u “Ethylene” – the common name for the flammable compound present in the peel of oranges. u Ethylene is also called “ethene.” u This compound is organic. u Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon.
7 Today’s Chemistry Vocabulary u Organic compound: a molecular compound of carbon u Inorganic compound: a compound not based on molecular compounds of carbon u Hydrocarbon: a molecular compound containing only hydrogen and carbon u Combustion: the rapid reaction of a material with oxygen accompanied by a rapid evolution of flame and heat