The Education Design Challenge Jonathan St. George MD, Jared Rich MD, John Won MD New Tools for Bridging the Education Gap The 21st century is defined by increasingly rapid cycles of change. This “disruptive” process brings both opportunity and risk to medical education: accelerated change offers a chance to reimagine how we teach future generations of physicians. It also strains the limits of medicine’s traditional didactic structures, challenging both medical educators and institutions alike to keep pace. This rapidly expanding space between new educational opportunities and the pace at which current educators and institutions are able to implement them is what we have termed the “education gap.” Here we present our experience with the use of the Design Challenge as a tool to bridge this gap by and its impact as an ITERATIVE structure of change within our program. THE CHALLENGE
The Education Design Challenge New Tools for Bridging the Education Gap Design challenges are structured as competitions to address complex problems and inspire participants to come up with innovative solutions through a collaborative process. WHAT IS A DESIGN CHALLENGE? OBJECTIVE During an 8 hour education day we asked medical students, residents, and faculty to create learner-focused Emergency Medicine content with a curated set of social media enhanced tools that our team identified as having potential for educational use. Teams then uploaded and presented their work to the audience for discussion and an online poll to determine content that best embodied the challenge. To determine if a Design Challenge format might be used as an effective tool to address the education gap by providing a platform for iterative change. METHOD
The Education Design Challenge A New Tools to Bridge the Education Gap Haiku Deck is a free, online, visually compelling tool to replace the traditional powerpoint presentation. It meets many of the requirements of a 21st century teaching tool: design is online, easy to access and share, and has the ability to be embedded on websites or blogs. Participants were challenged to make high impact EM content lectures using HAIKU DECK which requires users reduce the amount text and bulletpoints and use slides primarily for emphasis rather than something to read from during a presentation.HAIKU DECK CHALLENGE: BRING YOUR SLIDES TO LIFEHAIKU DECK
The Education Design Challenge A New Tools to Bridge the Education Gap The annual design challenge is a creative attempt to respond to bridge the education gap, by providing a learner-focused, resident- driven process of iterative change. Our team was able to implement an energetic, low cost, day-long session that highlighted core principles of effective 21st century teaching. One that allowed knowledge leaders and faculty less comfortable with technology to collaboratewith students and residents to teach core EM topics in new ways. While technology that uses online and social media platforms was highlighted within this particular design challenge, the focus was NOT on the technology, but rather finding innovative ways to teach essential Emergency Medicine content. Other design challenges could be customized using any variety of low-tech or high tech tools. DISCUSSION
The Education Design Challenge New Tools for Bridging the Education Gap THE SIX SECOND EDUCATION CHALLENGEVINE The design challenge asks participants to take familiar tools used by billions of people in daily life and asks them to see these “lifestyle” tools as learning tools. The easy video capability of a mobile device, combined with social media apps such as Vine and Instagram, allow for the ability to make medical education content and share with a community of learners. Accessibility of knowledge to the community, crowd-sourcing of topics, mentorship, rapid feedback, and the intellectual challenge of teaching something in six seconds or less are just a few of the perceived benefits of this exercise.
The Design Challenge Tools for Bridging the Education Gap Curating to educate in the age of FOAM and Wikipedia, is more important than ever for physician educators and lifelong learners. During the design challenge (Flipboard an information aggregator with a magazine style format) was introduced. The challenge: to curate accurate, high quality EM related content and bundle it into an effective teaching tool.Flipboard CHALLENGE: CURATE TO EDUCATEFLIPBOARD
Innovation in EM Education Design Challenge CONCLUSIONS Experimenting with New Tools to Bridge the Education Gap The 21st century is defined by its rapid cycles of change. We identify and name the space between this accelerating change and the ability of physician educators and institutions to keep pace as the “Education Gap.” In order for future generations of physicians to be effective life-long learners we recognize the need for new didactic structures within our community to foster an equally accelerated process of iterative change. Our experience finds that Design Challenges can be an effective tool for iterative change within traditional medical education. Feedback from the day was overwhelmingly postitive, and we found collaboration and mentorship increased; knowledge accessibility and the adoption of new tools to enhance teaching during traditional didactics such as weekly conference and morning reports all increased among participants six months after the actual design challenge.