Cheaper Flights…… Good idea?! Christopher James Starkey
Low Cost airlines There are hundreds of low cost airlines in the world currently offering flights around Europe for less than £100 or around the world for less than £400! Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
What is the cost of a flight…… The price of a flight from Birmingham International Airport, UK to Palma, Mallorca. This flight is at the height of the summer season and to a popular British holiday destination! Cost of this flight………… £29.99 Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
The flights are cheap but do people fly? It is predicted that UK air passenger numbers will rise from 180 million to 475 million by the year In 2000, the world's commercial jet airlines carried approximately 1.09 billion people on 18 million flights in 1 year. Easy jet, one of the UK’s largest cheap airlines reported and increase of 24% more passengers flown this august compared to the same time last year! Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
Pollution caused by these flights 0.17kg of CO 2 /km/person on average flight Distance from Heathrow Airport, London to JFK, New York is 5,555 km Usual plane used Boeing , carries 400 passengers on a full flight 0.17(kg/km/p) x 400(ppl) x 5,555(km) = 377,740 kg of CO 2 per flight Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey The same amount of CO 2 as a years driving by the average British driver.
The pollution caused by flying….. Air travel produces 0.17 kg of CO2 per km travelled for each passenger, against 0.14 kg/km for car travel in the average family car. 16,000 of the worlds commercial aircraft produce more than 600 million tonnes of CO2 annually, almost as much as the entire continent of Africa. greenhouse gas emissions in the EU from international flights rose 73% between 1990 and Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
The jet engine…. The long distance jet engine (most commercial aircraft) consists of a rotary air compressor with the left over power providing thrust. Roughly 7.2% of the worlds oil supply in 2004 was used by jets. In 2007 the cost of Kerosene averaged 26.5% of operating costs for airlines making it the largest expense for the companies. These large figures show that as more destinations are assigned, therefore more flights, these figures will increase always at the same rate. Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
Cheaper Flights Equals…… More pollution Released More Flights More Passengers Cheaper Flights Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
The governments ideas……. Last year the government reduced the baggage size allowed on a plane, to reduce weight. They also are continuously attempting to add tax to flights to pay for prevention and increase cost In 2006 they increased the tax to between £5-£10 for short haul flights and around £40 for long haul flights, doubling the original tax. All this is to stop the flights getting too cheap and accessible, so less CO 2 is released from dramatic increase in flights. Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
The Airbus A380 – SuperJumbo, the answer? The new airbus plane came into commercial use this year The superjumbo carries between 555 and 800 passengers on the twin deck of this giant. More passengers should equal more pollution however the airbus causes less pollution than the Boeing 747, using 13% less fuel and costing between 15 and 20% less per kilometre. Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner - the answer? Its materials (by weight) are: 50% composite, 20% aluminium, 15% titanium, 10% steel, 5% other. Composite materials are lighter and stronger than standard materials. Can fly 14,800 to 15,700 km on 1 full fuel tank. Using less fuel as weighs lighter than average plane. Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
Conclusion……. The increase of pollution in the earth will continue to destroy the O-zone layer. To stop the increasing number of flights the government will start to enforce harsher taxations and sanctions on the airports and airlines. However the airlines will still try to keep the prices down so are trying to find other ways to keep the price low. The largest airplane designers and builders are being forced to design different aircraft to combat this increase……… –Airbus are trying to cut down the number of overseas flights –Boeing are trying to make airplanes more efficient. Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
Referencing… BBC News, ‘Pollution warning on holiday flights’, (online) Available at: Accessed at November 12th BBC News, “Aviation 'huge threat to CO2 aim’” (online) Available at: Accessed at 21 st November BBC News, ‘How Safe Is Flying?’, (online) Available at: Accessed at 25 th November Ryan Air, ‘Ryan air main online site’, (online) Available at: Accessed at: 26 th November, ‘Rise of low-cost flights comes at high price’, (online) Available at: dustry, Accessed at: 22 nd November dustry Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey
France-Diplomatie, ‘Technological innovations Airbus A380, the Giant of the Air’, (online) Available at: france_2554/themes_3713/science-technology_3931/technological- innovations_3934/airbus-a380-the-giant-of-the-air_6205.html, Accessed at: 21 st November france_2554/themes_3713/science-technology_3931/technological- innovations_3934/airbus-a380-the-giant-of-the-air_6205.html After Oil, ‘How many air-miles are left in the world’s fuel tank?’, (online) Available at: Accessed at: 27 th November Airlines, ‘Fuel Prices’, (online) Available at: 1EE83A747CDA/0/Airlines_Fuel.pdf, Accessed at: 27 th November. 1EE83A747CDA/0/Airlines_Fuel.pdf Wikipedia, ‘Boeing 787’, Available at: Accessed at: 30 th November. Cheaper Flights..... Good Idea? - Christopher James Starkey