Automobile Charging System By Daniel Joo
Functional Diagram Alternator Signal Conditioning Voltage Regulation
Alternator A B C
AC Current Rotor - Stator creates AC current Since there are three Stator, three separate ac signal are created.
Signal Conditioning (Alt. to Bat.) Typical Alternator Cicuitry. AC from each of the alternators stators are filtered to only receive Positive current.
Alternator Rectifier Signal from the alternator is rectified to form a positive pulsating signal.
Voltage Regulation Voltage variations are due to: Mainly Engine RPM Temperature Voltage is regulated through the current driving the STATOR.
Voltage at Alternator Rotor Regulator Voltage Control Input Field Current Input
Close Enough To 12V DC Current in not pure DC, it is a series of DC pulses at 12 Vdc. But most equipment have internal filters to clean-up the incoming power.