What Happened? Each box of “what happened” represents a different response from a student or group of students. Teachers are encouraged to staple more template sheets together, should the follow-up to the inquiry be more than 5 “what happened”boxes (using just the “what happened boxes” without completing the whole template) Expectations: What Happened? Expectations: What Happened? Each “what happened” box represents a response and/or activity that happened as a direct result of the impetus (this is completed after the fact – upon observation of the teaching team) Expectations: Taken directly from the current copy of the Full Day Kindergarten curriculum (#, topic and written expectation should be included) What Happened? Expectations: Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program Inquiry Template DRAFT Team:name of teacher and ECE Timeline: how long the inquiry and follow- up activities lasted ______________________ What Happened? Expectations: Impetus of Inquiry: One or more boxes should be checked off and the impetus should be described in detail (eg. Name of book and author) free exploration: object: shared experience: read aloud: shared reading: guided reading: circle discussion: Establishing the Question(s)/Problem(s): A question (or problem) is stated Big Ideas: this section is taken from the draft copy of the current Full Day Kindergarten curriculum. Appropriate boxes should be checked off Children are connected to others and contribute to their world. Children have a strong sense of identity and well-being. Children are effective communicators. Young children have a conceptual understanding of mathematics and of mathematical thinking and reasoning. Children are curious and connect prior knowledge to new contexts in order to understand the world around them. Children make healthy choices and develop physical skills. Young children have an innate openness to artistic activities.
The Learning Story: The teaching team should fill out this section after the whole inquiry is complete. This section serves as a summary of the inquiry and “long range planning” for future similar inquiry discussions/lessons, etc. How did the inquiry begin? What happened during the inquiry? How did the inquiry end? What was discovered? Sample Questions: Specific questions should be listed here (to guide the students in their inquiry) The words below serve as a reminder to the teaching team how to form their questions Why? How? What if? Tell me about… Other: Teacher Reflection: Teacher writes professional reflection regarding the inquiry, the students’ interest, assessment, evaluation, etc. This area is of particular interest in determining future inquiry impetus and student interests in topics, etc. It will also assist in replicating any part of the inquiry process in the future Assessment: (record, gather, analyse) This section is a reminder for the teaching team to use a variety of assessment tools to record, gather and analyse student responses. They should check off the method used or provide a different tool photo story anecdotal notes video audio artifacts other? Next Steps/Applications: What could happen next? This section is where the teaching team records future inquiry topics or impetus It is also a place where future activities could be recorded Future Materials: Items that could move the inquiry on would be listed here It would also be a place to list items that could be used for future impetus or inquiry discussions/lessons Differentiated Instruction: (accommodations, modifications and extensions) taken from special education information (for example “Education For All” Ministry document) – careful attention must be taken to ensure that the difference between accommodations and modifications are clearly described Materials Used: All materials used throughout the whole inquiry are listed here