Accessed anywhere anytime Easy to communicate with friends and family and people all over the world Wide and flexible range of information Motivational and fun games and resouces A key skill for life Raise standards ICT is used in many ways. Share resouces and ideas Shopping!
* Paedophiles use the internet to meet young people (Grooming) * Giving away too much personal information * Bullying using the internet (Cyberbullying) * Seeing inappropriate images and material * Viruses and pop ups
* The people, not the technology. * The risks are minimised if it is used wisely and appropriate precautions are taken.
* Child grooming comprises actions deliberately undertaken with the aim of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, to lower the child's inhibitions in order to sexually abuse the child.sexually abuse * Done via social networking sites, chat rooms and game sites. * ‘Groomer’ pretends to be someone of a different sex/age. * Gradual process that can take months. * Trick children into revealing information about themselves to build up a relationship of trust.
* Make sure you know what websites your child is visiting by observing what they are doing – can be easier said than done with mobile technology. * Talk to them about friends they have made online and make sure they don’t meet up with online friends without an adult present. * Reinforce that they shouldn’t give out personal information online. * Make sure that they realise that people are not always who they say they are online.
* Children are constantly uploading content to the internet, informing people what they are doing or where they have been and with whom. * People on the internet can find out children’s names and know what they look like from photos. * They can find out what they like to do and where they like to go- building up a daily/weekly routine. * They can locate children from photos that are geotagged. Photos can be searched for with just latitude and longitude information. WHERE’S KLAUS
* Make sure children don’t give out addresses, phone numbers etc over the internet. * Choose a nickname for your child to use online with an avatar rather than a photo. * Get them to think carefully about what they post online, could somebody possibly find your child or find out about your child from the information you uploaded. * Turn geotagging (location) off on all devices that take photos (consult your instruction manual and privacy settings). * Make sure security settings are set to private on social networking sites etc.
* Use of digital images * Behaving inappropriately online
* Cyberbullying is the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) - particularly mobile phones and the Internet, to deliberately upset someone * Like other forms of bullying, cyberbullying can include a wide range of unacceptable behaviour, including harassment, threats and insults * As with ‘traditional’ face-to-face bullying, cyberbullying is designed to cause distress and harm
Online BehaviourOffline Behaviour Online contact is 24 / 7 / 365 Escape at home Massive potential audience reached rapidly Often confined to a small group Information could stay online forever (or at least a long time) May be forgotten very quickly Perception of anonymity means people are more likely to say things online Easier to deny or blame others Easier to get involved unintentionally with huge impact Easier to walk away Only 13% believe bullying by mobile is a problem, compared to 65% who cite physical bullying.
* Accessing unsuitable content Online games How are children accessing this?
* Rely on parental controls and safe search mode just like you would rely on the watershed and age restrictions on tv. * Agree with your children which websites they can use. * Discuss the importance of age limits on video sharing websites. * Explain why they shouldn’t click on links or open attachments from someone they don’t know.
* Make sure that your child knows that they can talk to you. * If you are concerned – report it. * Stay with your child – even an innocent search can produce unwanted images or words. * Teach children to turn off the screen and get help when they see unwanted images/information. * If you wish, use ‘panic buttons’ available from Hector’s World/ CEOP.
* Least harmful. * Teach your child not to ‘click’ on anything inviting – buy this now, etc. * Look out for scams, phishing and spam. * Again, not to give out any personal information – including bank details. * Don’t ‘click’ on trick messages, these often hide viruses and spyware. * Be careful on computers you don’t know
* Supervised * Monitored * Filtered * Curriculum ? 83%(2014) 86% (2015) of homes have access to the internet 35%? of young people have internet access in their bedroom More than half of all children (53%) are never or hardly supervised online by their parents / carers 81% of parents think they know what their children are doing all or most of the time when access the internet
eSafety Policy eSafety Charter eSafety rules AUPs for all eSafety lessons in every class every half term. eSafety day and week. eSafety posters. eSafety coordinator All staff trained
NEVER give out any personal information online. * Their full name * Where they live * The name of their school * Where they like to play * Their telephone number
* Child friendly search engines * Filtering software * Internet history * Games consoles * eSafety resources
* Restrict access – sit with your child when they are online. * Remind them not to pass on any personal information. * Make all accounts private. * Tell your child to report unwanted messages to a trusted adult. * Never respond to an unknown or unkind text/message. * Remind your child not to meet any of their online friends in person.
KNOW how your child’s phone works (e.g. Bluetooth, internet access, pin code). AGREE the type of content that you would be happy for them to download and knowingly send onto others. SAVE any abusive messages / inappropriate images for evidence purposes. DECIDE TOGETHER what are acceptable bills / costs. ENCOURAGE balanced use – switching off at mealtimes and bedtime etc. Main concerns: no supervision, a mobile is nearly always on and is reachable throughout the day.
* Vodaphone
Zip it, block it, flag it.
We need balance and perspective