All data collected as part of the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes are freely available, together with full metadata, directly from the website.


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Presentation transcript:

All data collected as part of the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes are freely available, together with full metadata, directly from the website. The following is a step by step guide to downloading the data. The presentation slides will automatically change. If you wish to view a slide again use the backwards arrow on your keyboard. To pause on an individual slide right click and select pause. To resume the slideshow right click and select resume

Click on the Map Viewer & Data Catalogue icon at the top of the home page.

Once you have registered click on View Maps & Search Data Catalogue to proceed.

Data is presented in a traditional GIS view in the Map Viewer, with different types of data represented by different layers. There are four main sections to the Map Viewer: 1.Three Step Guide 2. Map 3. Layers List 4. Summary Section

1.Three Step Guide This is used as a three step guide to acquiring data. The steps can also be used to navigate back and forward between steps. If for example once you have selected some data, refined and viewed your results you find you have not got all the data you need you can simply click on Search by geographic area to return to the map and select more data.

2. Map The Map is used to select and visualise the data. The Map is geo-referenced – Easting and Northing for the mouse position are shown in the lower right hand corner. A panel on the right of the map gives a guide to the map controls. This can be minimised by clicking on the top right hand corner of the panel.

By zooming in sufficiently to an area on the map the most recent aerial photography or Lidar will be displayed, depending on which layers are selected in the layers list. Other layers such as the wave buoys, tide gauges and GPS control Points (found in the other section of the layers list ) can be directly queried using the query tool to bring up additional information such as witness diagrams. If you have zoomed in close enough to visualise the aerial photography or Lidar for an area and wish to save the image without downloading the data for loading into GIS simply right click on the image and save as a bmp file

3. Layers List The layers list shows the types of data available from the website Layers can be switched on and off at will and are an easy way of finding out which data is available in your area of interest. For example if you select Lidar data for 2007 the areas where the data is available will be shown in yellow on the map.

4. Summary Section The summary section shows the types of data which you have selected and the amount of data in your basket. The reference map shows the location of the area which the map is zoomed to It is important to note that only 300MB of data can be downloaded from the website at one time so keep and eye on the total size of your basket using the summary section If the data you require totals more than 300MB then you will have to download it in separate sessions

Zoom to your area of interest using the mouse wheel or magnifying tool and pan tool For less specific zooming use the tool. Click the centre of this tool to return to the original map. Use the layers list to display the relevant data type. In the example below 2008 topographic data is displayed. It is useful to note that we have broken the coast up into management units. The data files for the topographic surveys are named by management unit and date. If you are looking for topographic surveys for a specific area it is helpful if you know the name of the management unit(s) into which the area falls. To find this out use the management units layer found in the other section of the layers list

Click the polygon tool then click points on the map to define the area you want data for (double-click the last point to complete the polygon). You can define several separate polygons if you wish. To delete a polygon click the tool, select the polygon and press delete on the keyboard. If at any point you wish to clear the map and start again from the beginning click the reset button at the top right of the page. Once you are happy with your polygons click the apply selection button in the summary section.

The data within your polygons will now be visible in the summary section. If you want to download all the data within your polygons and you are within your download limit click add all results to basket in the summary section. If you do not want to add all your data to your basket click on at the top of the page. Choose the type of data you want by ticking the appropriate boxes. Some data types are already ticked as these are the types of data most people want.

You can also refine your data by date or keyword. Note that the option to refine your search by management areas is not yet available for the South West programme. As you select data types you can keep track of the total data size in the summary section. When you have made your selection click Here you can see the individual filenames of the selected data. You can either click add all results to basket in the summary section or click individual files to add them to your basket. You can also view each file’s metadata by clicking on View in the metadata column.

When you have made your selection click on View your Basket to see what you have chosen to download. Note that at any point you can use the three step guide to go back to your results or go back to the map to add more polygons. To remove any unwanted files from your basket untick the relevant box in the In basket column or click Empty basket in the summary section.

When you are happy with the contents of your basket click on Download basket in the summary section. Enter your username and password if you are not already logged in. Read the conditions of use and tick the box if you agree to the terms. Specify the proposed data use using the drop down menu and then click