MET Slice Monitoring Xiaowen Lei, Venkat Kaushik Ken Johns
2 Online Monitoring Current List of Histograms: See Diego’s talk. Updated list of histograms is in and above. DQMF configuration file was prepared and used in M7 run. Based on old list of histograms. Configuration is listed on: Monitoring Need to update according to current list of histograms for use in the future.
3 Offline Monitoring A first version HLTMETMonTool has been submitted by Venkat and is in cvs. In Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/ Will be used at Tier 0 in FDR2A run. Plots ex, ey, et, sumet for L2 and EF. Offline monitoring tool with vertical slice monitoring has been written. Right now called TrigMETMonTool and not in cvs yet. Tested in , with AOD files reconstructed on on RDO’s, example histograms made. Plan to update the tool above with this one. Can also be used for CAF (CERN Analysis Facility) monitoring.
4 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool Organisation of Histograms: Histograms organized in folders for different triggers: noTrigger, L1_XE15,…,L2_XE15,…,EF_XE15,… we can specify the triggers that we are interested in to make histograms for only those triggers Under each folder the following histograms are plotted: noTrigger folder: MET quantities for all levels and RecMET quantities. L1_** folder: L1MET and RecMET quantities for events that passed the L1_** trigger; correlation plots between L1MET quantities and RecMET quantities. Same for L2 and EF trigger folders.
5 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool Organisation of Histograms
6 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool Example Histograms: Made by running TrigMETMonTool in AOD’s made from Release RDO’s in Diego’s Wtaunu.list Reconstruction is run in Release Use the histograms in EF_XE20 as an example.
7 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool Example Histograms in EF_xe20 EFMET quantities
8 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool Example Histograms in EF_xe20 RecMET quantities
9 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool Example Histograms in EF_xe20 Correlation plots
10 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool To-Do: Need to implement efficiency plots correctly. Need to make L1, L2 and EF efficiency plots/turn-on curve with respect to RecMET. Need to have plots of 10%, 50%, 90% point (on turn-on curve) MET versus time. Efficiency plots booked and filled with pseudo-efficiency. Tools for calculating 10%, 50% and 90% are in place and ready for use.
11 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool To-Do: Need to implement efficiency and purity plots with the appropriate triggers. We have decided to use the following to calculate efficiency: MET trigger efficiency: Function of met, eta, phi Using min bias triggers or dijet triggers offline met passing l1/l2/ef met trigger / all For real physics triggers: use wenu triggers and ttbar triggers, and do the calculation above Once these plots are in place we can also implement the 10%, 50%, 90% plots.
12 Status of Offline Monitoring Tool To-Do’s: Better Organisation of the Histograms. E.g.: have summary folders. Need to test and update the code with AOD’s produced by and above. Once the code is in place, we need to prepare offline DQMF (han) configuration files to be able to see the plots on the web displayer.