RTI/SST process Dr. Christi Bounds RTI/SST program administrator
1. Compliance Agreement
2. File submissions based on compliance agreement Middle/High1 st Submission Corrections Made/Resubmission CEIS Schools (Group 1)October 2December 11 Non-CEIS Schools (Group 2)October 30December 17 Elementary CEIS Schools (Group 1)October 2December 11 Non-CEIS Schools (Group 3)November 4December 14
Elementary- Easy RTI All files in portal New interventions Mandated file checks Clearing Heads Up Alerts
Updates to portal Current documents New teachers not showing New group feature will be rolled out Ability to “unlock” tier 4 students Alerts to SLPs
Middle/High- RTI files Trainings scheduled for group 1 of pilot schools (week of September 8-11) Must have screening process in place for identifying students (STAR, etc) Universal screening window open now All tier 3 students need red file
General information/concerns Revised “Red File checklist” Completed tier 2 or tier 3 file- what goes in each?
Complete Tier 2 file: Language checklist Interventions and progress monitoring information and data (including previous graphs of data) Minutes from any meetings that have taken place Current area of need, goal, intervention chosen, progress monitoring chosen, progress monitoring data
Complete Tier 3 file: Language checklist (if one has not already been uploaded) Skills inventory or behavior skills inventory Minutes from each Tier 3 meeting Interventions and progress monitoring information and data (including previous graphs of data) Parent questionnaire Consent for hearing and vision Current area of need, goal, intervention chosen, progress monitoring chosen, progress monitoring data **Current information for active files for this year: Current area of need Intervention chosen, progress monitoring tool chosen Progress monitoring data from this year in portal
SST presentation Mandated by state You will need to present this presentation to your staff Send sign-in sheets to district office documenting delivery Due Date: September 18-25