Monitor your wife with SCOM…Monitor your wife with SCOM… Yep it’s possible! * Dieter * Results may vary. Can’t be held accountable for the outcome
@DieterWijckmans Managing Consultant CDM MVP since 2014 They see me rollin’ Dieter Wijckmans
Motto It’s doing common things uncommonly well that brings success…
Agenda Think outside the boxThe next big thing in Cross platform monitoringPowerShell your way inLet’s see about that wife monitoring stuff
Think outside the box
Get ready to start Check what you want to do Check who to involve Check how you want to proceed
Installing the agent on Linux…
Mechanism Check Correct FQDN certificate on Linux machine Check servers for correct certificate Connection made over SSH Package copied to Linux Install + feedback to MS Final Certificate signing
See it in action
What tools can I use?
Put Scomness in your script $API = New-Object –ComObject “MOM.ScriptAPI” $PropertyBag = $API.CreatePropertyBag() $PropertyBag.addValue(“name”,”value”) $PropertyBag
Test the script Run the script without the $propertybag to check value $API.Return($Propertybag)
Collection vs Monitoring Performance Collection Monitoring vs
Combining the powers
Creating the script monitor with MP Author
So what about that wife monitoring thing…
Search for capable devices
Search for API’s Nest: Netatmo: Flukso: edNEluMqxrFaCRlvJrD8Bn_6UDCs9/edit?pli=1 edNEluMqxrFaCRlvJrD8Bn_6UDCs9/edit?pli=1 Wemo: Synology: global/support/surveillance_station_web_apihttp:// global/support/surveillance_station_web_api
Let the monitoring begin!
Key Takeaways
Try to get as many devices in 1 monitoring tool Look to find your way in… PowerShell is the way to go…
Scug blog: SCOM 2012 link overview blog: SCOM 2012 overview link blogSCOM 2012 overview link blog Monitor your home with SCOM Installing Linux agents walkthroughs oying-unix-linux-agents-using-opsmgr-2012.aspx oying-unix-linux-agents-using-opsmgr-2012.aspx signed-certificate-verification-operation-was-not-successful/ signed-certificate-verification-operation-was-not-successful/