Slide’s title Subtitle (if there is one) Date and location Speakers:Name and Last Name
[ 2 ] Agenda Introduction The Toolbox in the SAS project –Development environment upgrade –Runtime environment upgrade The Toolbox in the ERGO project –EbRIM Catalogue implementation The Toolbox in the HMA-T project –Security layer: PEP and PDP
[ 3 ] Overview Development of the Toolbox “Development Environment” (TDE) –Development –Testing –Debugging –Configuration control (CVS,SVN) –Deployment on the run-time environment Upgrade of the Run-Time environment –Toolbox output of the NSI project has been updated to cver new requirements coming from the operational experience.
[ 4 ] How to integrate a service inside the SSE portal using the Toolbox Developer Service Service development test and debugging Service creation and management Operation creation (scripts uploading) Operation testing and monitoring http Web application Toolbox RE Desktop application Toolbox DE Automatic service deployment Service scripts Service resources Resources used by a service (e.g. Schemas, XSL file, external Toolbox scripts, shell scripts) will be handles as service resources. Will be created in the project and automatically uploaded in the run-time environment. Thus the user do not need to access the operational file system. Test Synchronous Asynchronous
SSE TOOLBOX The Development Environment
[ 6 ] Toolbox Development Enviroment Eclipse plug-in –It extends some already existing functionality of the IDE –It extends some exported by the WTP plug-in It can be used to manage completely the service development life cycle –Development –Testing –Debugging –Configuration control (CVS,SVN) –Deployment on the run-time environment It provides built-in features like –graphical visualization –textual visualization –tag suggestion –online validation.
[ 7 ] Toolbox wizards Interface repository: It allows adding/removing user defined interfaces. This can be used to add support for new ICDs. Service: It allows adding new services and new operation for each service Resources: It allows adding specific resources for a service like new scripts or new test files
[ 8 ] Service wizard
[ 9 ] Coding perspective A perspective specifically written for Toolbox service development has been created. A minimal set of widgets have been added to this perspective in order to maximize the editor area. Script editing: This is the editing panel. Through two different views the user can easily create his own TOOLBOX scripts using some helpful feature like: code completion, online validation, graphical view of the code, automatic code completion Package Explores: This tabs contains all the Service resources which are automatically deployed on the Run-Time Environment.
[ 10 ] Debugging perspective A perspective specifically written for Toolbox service debug has been created. A full set of widgets have been added to this perspective in order to provide all necessary tools. Debug: In this panel the user can find some debugging information for each session. The breakpoint stack trace can be found here to help the user understand where the engine is currently stopped Breakpoints: This panel contains all breakpoints added by the user. Variables: This tabs contains all the variables created by the script. This view is updated when the engine stops to a user-defined breakpoint Script editing: This is the editing panel. Through two different views the user can easily create his own TOOLBOX scripts using some helpful feature like: code completion, online validation, graphical view of the code, automatic code completion
[ 11 ] Debugging widgets Standard debugging widgets are complemented with a Toolbox specific view that display the execution tree (as shown by the RE). The content of this view is refreshed each time the execution stops to a breakpoint. This view allows to taxe a look to the execution flow of the script.
[ 12 ] Variable handling While in debug mode the value of variables can be displayed and updated for all basic types. Starting from this version XML type can also be shown and modified.
[ 13 ] Breakpoints When a breakpoint is hit, the editor highlights it in the source file.
[ 14 ] Test cases It is possible to define test cases by means of new launch configurations. The test is executed directly on the target Run-time Environment.
[ 15 ] Test results Each time test is executed or debugged the TDE stores these informations for offline inspection: –Input Message –Ack Message (if the operation is asynchronous) –Output message –Execution Tree for all scripts.
SSE TOOLBOX The Run-Time Environment
[ 17 ] Overview Integration with EXTJS and OpenLayer New interface support by menas of plugins New tags Monitoring center upgrade –Support of the SSE stylesheet for output rendering –Rendering of results on a map –Access to the service resources via the web interface –Support for RSS feed Test center upgrade –Support of the SSE stylesheet. It allows testing the stylsheet and the service before integrating it in the SSE portal. –New catalogue interface –New generic SOAP test tool
[ 18 ] New tags (1) Control Flow tags:introduce to enhance the flow control and to align to common features of programming languages –Return –Fork Order confirmation manipulation tags: introduced to allow interaction between administrators and service’s logic regarding order payment confirmation –addOrderConfirmation –checkOrderConfirmation Date manipulation tags: introduced to manipulate and intercat with Date type objects –date –dateStringFormatter –isBefore –timeDifference –now
[ 19 ] New tags (2) Filesystem tags: introduced to ease the interaction with filesystem object (paths, files etc..) –fileInfo –Path –Zip XML related tags –XQuery –The xPath tag has been upgraded (extraction of sub-tree)
[ 20 ] New tags: Java Tag Java: this tag lets you specify a Java code snippet that is compiled and run at execution time. An example is the following: import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; <![CDATA[ SimpleDateFormat formatter=new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMddHHmmss"); booleanType=true; integerType=Integer.MAX_VALUE; byteType=Byte.MAX_VALUE; shortType=Short.MAX_VALUE; longType=Long.MAX_VALUE; floatType=Float.MAX_VALUE; doubleType=Double.MAX_VALUE; characterType='X'; stringType=formatter.format(new Date()); ]]>
[ 21 ] Output rendering: SSE stylessheet Output message visualization customized using the SSE stylesheet. The stylesheet is associated to the service through specific TDE wizards. This information is stored into the export/import package and carried automatically through development platforms and installations.
[ 22 ] Output rendering: GML Output message visualization customized using a output->GML stylesheet. The stylesheet let you create a GML starting from the output message. The GML is then shown on a map.
[ 23 ] Monitoring of service resources The monitoring center has been enhanced from previous TOOLBOX versions in order to allow the user completely debug and navigate the operation scripts execution. All tags that create or access a resource shows a link that let you access the object remotely. This is extremely useful while debugging the service’s logic, avoiding the resource download (and dump) on the local machine.
[ 24 ] RSS Feeds Service lifecycle can be monitorized through RSS feed. Each service has a public RSS feed that can be used to obtain information about its requests status. Here you cn find a snapshot of the software RSSOwl while displaying a Toolbox service feed.
[ 25 ] SSE stylesheet test Possibility to ingest th SSE portal stylesheet. Test of the stylesheet before uploading them in the portal. Test the service before integrating it in the portal. Have a stand alone installation which can be used internally to access to the service without going on the portal.
[ 26 ] New catalogue test interface (1)
[ 27 ] New catalogue test interface (2)
[ 28 ] Search results
[ 29 ] Detailed results (present)
[ 30 ] New generic soap client
SSE TOOLBOX The TOOLBOX in the ERGO project: EbRIM Catalogue
[ 32 ] Toolbox EbRIM extension: Supported standards Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W (0.1.10) –Gateway approach EO Products Extension Package for ebRIM Profile of CSW 2.0 (0.2.4) r6 –Gateway approach –Stand alone implementation
[ 33 ] Toolbox EbRIM extension: GATEWAY (1) This is applicable if Collections or Earth Observation metadata are already stored in legacy (non OGC-compliant) catalogues The incoming requests will be linked on the fly to the legacy catalogue, and result sets will be converted from the legacy format to the OGC CSW ebRIM format and responses sent back to the user. getCapabilities, desribeRecord direcly handled by the Toolbox via configuration files Search interfaces will be mapped to operations available on the legacy catalogue. The connection with the Legacy database Toolbox scripting language. Java code. Both
[ 34 ] Toolbox EbRIM extension: GATEWAY (2)
[ 35 ] Toolbox EbRIM support: stand alone inplementation (1) A built in catalogue compliant with the HMA interfaces is provided within the Toolbox The SOAP layer is directly connected with the catalogue layer and the user does not have to provide the integration logic. The catalogue included in the Toolbox is used as a repository (for storing data) and a registry (for indexing data). The data have to be provided and ingested in the system by the user. SOAP harvest operation GUI
[ 36 ] Toolbox EbRIM support: stand alone inplementation (2)
SSE TOOLBOX The TOOLBOX in the HMA-T project: Web Service Security
[ 38 ] Toolbox security: implemented standards OGC r3, User Management Interfaces for Earth Observation Services, Version draft –Development of a model for authentication and authorization of web services based on the concept of Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) and Policy Information Point (PIP) based on the OASIS XACML standard –[ws-securitypolicy-1.2-spec-os] WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 (from OASIS), based on: [ WS-Policy (Web Services Policy Framework) v1.2 - Framework (from W3C) –[wss-v1.1-spec-os-SAMLTokenProfile] Web Services Security: SAML Token Profile 1.1 (from OASIS) –[oasis-access_control-xacml-2.0-core-spec-os] eXtensible Access Control Markup Language 2 (XACML) Version 2.0 (OASIS)
[ 39 ] HMA infrastructure
[ 40 ] Toolbox Architecture Application layer Gateway Asynchronous Operation Synchronous Operation Operation Service Asynchronous Operation Synchronous Operation Operation SOAP layer WS-Policy WS-Security Layer WS-Policy XACML Policy Application Security Layer XACML Policy
[ 41 ] Toolbox Architecture Security Layer 1 2 Check encrypted SAML existence, decrypt it. WS- Security signed- encrypted SOAP request 3 Enforce enterprise policies Toolbox Serve request (Application layer) 45 Fault Soap response verify SAML token Decrypte d SAML, SOAP request/a ction 6 Get SAML assertion Identity Provider Client ToolboxPDP XACML Policies RAMPART 4HMAT RAMPART 4HMAT WS-Policy
Toolbox Documentation Toolbox Forum HMA-T project pages ERGO project pages index.php?page=ERGO+EbRIM+Implementation+with+GEONETWORK+and+OMAR Toolbox support