Main figures Campus Students Budget 18 hectares m² for research 403 bedsits and 240 studios in halls of residence 1000 student engineers 111 DEA students 166 PhD students 30 million euros (consolidated budget) 6,4 million euros in research contrats euros annual cost per student
Recruitment into 1st year (336 student engineers) 268 places, « Centrale Supélec » nationwide competitive examinations, MP, PC, PSI, TSI streams 3 places, international MP competitive examinations 20 places, banking competitive examination PT stream admission on record 15 places (licence (Bachelor’s degree) in sciences) 30 places ( foreign students) into 2nd year 15 places (maîtrise (Master’s degree) in sciences) admission by competitive examination
Four major features Multi-disciplinary training International outlook Close relations with industry High-powered research
Programme common core specialisation or other opportunities 1st Year Engineering Sciences Mathematics and Computer Processing Mechanics and Energetics Electrical engineering Matter and Materials Social sciences – Management sciences Modern Languages Sport Blue-collar traineeship 1 month in a company Applied traineeship 2 to 3 months in a company Industrial project over 5 months, in association with a company Study project In a group over 14 months, within a research laboratory Final Year Traineeship 3 to 5 months in a company at CENTRALE LYON - Options (opportunity to study for a DEA) -Languages – Sport In FRANCE Intergroupe, ENSCP, ENGREF, EM Lyon,… ABROAD Double Degree within the TIME network, exchange study 2nd Year3rd Year
Third year options Acoustics Biotechnologies and environment Electronics and communication systems Civil and environmental engineering Industrial engineering Computer science Systems management and engineering Mechanical engineering and new technologies. Material and surface engineering Mathematics in engineering sciences Applied fluid mechanics. Applied physics Aircraft propulsion Information technology Transport engineering
Window on the world 1968 : Darmstadt (Germany) 1980 : Japan 1980’s : USA 1990 : China 1992 : Central and Eastern European Countries 1996 : TIME network Key figures Key dates 20 nationalities 26 Double degrees 40 universities all over the world 10% foreign students on engineering course 8 foreign languages 550 points on TOEFL required to obtain the Diplôme d’Ingénieur
Transport 8% Motor, Aeronautical, Ship-building, Railway Industries 33%Other industries 7% Other sectors 4% Building and civil engineering 10% Finance Banking Assurance 8% I.T. (Services ) 10% Studies Consultancy Auditing 6% Energy 14% First job class of 2002 Sectors euros gross annual salary 60 % in the Paris area 11 % abroad 88 % signed contracts within six months 57 % in large companies 83 % on permanent contracts
Teaching and Research Departments Fluid Machanics Acoustics Energetics Solid Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Science and Techniques For Materials and Surfaces Electronics Electrical Engineering Automatics Mathematics Computer Science Communication Languages Entreprise - Sport
Research A coherent set of core sciences for the engineer, for the last 30 years A major element of the School’s reputation Strong partnership development International recognition for the School, the Intergroup leader in research Recognised research units, by the CNRS in particular
A coherent set of core sciences for engineers Energetics Fluid Mechanics Acoustics Structural Dynamics Tribology Materials Surface Chemistry Optoelectronics Microelectronics, Microsystems Electrical Engineering Computer Science Industrial Engineering ICTT Solid Mechanics Auguste Moiroux Scientific Centre LMFA LTDS LEOM IFoS CEGELY MAPLY Physics LIRIS
Research figures n 150 Teacher-researchers n 50 CNRS researchers n 200 engineers, administrative staff, technicians Human ressources 140 scientific publications /year 45 theses per year 202 contracts with companies euros/researcher/year Scientific and technical output
Intergroup : the Ecoles Centrale network set up in 1990 Course harmonization, student engineer exchange in third year Research policy coordination pooling of international experiences and participation in TIME network 3350 student engineers 1200 diplômes d'ingénieur/year NANTES LILLE LYON PARIS