Describe the job - job description The Recruitment and Selection Process New work Existing work not being completed Is there a vacancy? Analyse the job and competencies Stage 1 Recruitment Staff replacement Describe the person to do the job - person specification Yes
Define the employment terms and conditions (inc. salary level/grade) Is the new job/replacement authorised? Who are the target groups of candidates? Yes - by CEO or senior manager InternalExternal The Recruitment and Selection Process Stage 1 Recruitment Consider alternative methods of attracting a field of candidates
The Recruitment and Selection Process Stage 1 Recruitment Log all enquiries and applications Decide with HR how the vacancy will be advertised Draft the job advertisement and agree Organise selection programme - who will be involved in shortlisting, testing and interviewing?, dates, interview briefing etc.
The Recruitment and Selection Process Stage 2 Selection Shortlist applicants against person specification PossibleUnsuitable Reject Test (if appropriate) Interview Make reception arrangements and invite candidates to:
Review selection data (interview notes, test results, qualifications, references etc.) and assess against person specification The Recruitment and Selection Process Stage 2 Selection Make offer (subject to medical) Select and rank suitable candidatesUnsuitable Reject Confirm suitable references have been received SuitableUnsuitable Reject
Evaluate effectiveness of the recruitment and selection project The Recruitment and Selection Process Stage 2 Selection Confirm offer Candidate accepts Candidate rejects Explain joining instructions Make induction arrangements Call in reserve candidates Re-start the recruitment and selection procedure
Step 6 - Shortlisting The essential criteria are agreed in consultation with interviewer/panel members from the person specification Application forms are sifted and key points are compared with the person specification on an individual basis The shortlisting process is objective, focusing upon the positive aspects, rather than the negative Care is needed to avoid personal bias The selector discusses their shortlist with other panel members and agreement is reached
application form CVs covering letter telephone screening references/recommendations graphology biographical data psychometric testing (e.g. skills, aptitude and/or personality) assessment centres interview Selection techniques
The interview is the most popular selection method and is described as: “a controlled conversation with a purpose” Torrington 1995 The Selection Interview Selection techniques
The purposes are as follows: - To collect data to determine how successfully the individual would perform in the job for which they have applied, by measuring them against pre-determined criteria To provide the candidate with full details of the job and the organization to facilitate their decision making To conduct the interview in such a way that candidates feel they have been given an objective and fair hearing The Selection Interview Selection techniques
Webster (1964) concludes that Interviewers decide to accept or reject a candidate within the first three minutes of the interview and spend the remainder of the time seeking evidence to confirm their first impression. Interviews seldom alter the tentative opinion formed by the interviewer seeing the application form and the appearance of the candidate. Interviewers place more weight on evidence that is unfavourable than evidence that is favourable. Selection techniques The Selection Interview
Put the candidate at ease Ask questions to elicit useful data against the selection criteria Give the candidate information about the organisation Do not give any signals about performance or make any commitment to selection choice Close the interview by giving an indication about next steps Selection techniques The Selection Interview – Structure
Strategies: Situational or Behavioural interviewing Questions Easy, relaxing questions (cliched or personal questions) Open or closed questions Leading or multiple questions Probing Selection techniques The Selection Interview – Questioning Techniques
Evaluation of recruitment and selection Consider how you could effectively evaluate the recruitment and selection process.