Welcome to the Leadership Recruitment & Training Session a breakout of the Unit Support Conference
Welcome and Overview 2
It is the goal of the Pathway to Adventure Council to build and serve the healthiest and strongest units in the communities we serve
"Scouting's Journey to Excellence" is designed to set goals that encourage and reward success and measure performance and continuous improvement in key objectives in our units, districts and our council. It provides a road map, with benchmarks, to deliver the promises of the Scouting program and to operate at the most optimal level.
5 Journey to Excellence: Leadership Recruitment & Training PACK BronzeSilverGold
6 Journey to Excellence: Leadership Recruitment & Training TROOP BronzeSilverGold
7 Journey to Excellence: Leadership Recruitment & Training CREW BronzeSilverGold
How do you Recruit Leaders? 1.Parents Complete a Skills Survey 2.Have a Parent Meeting/Orientation a)Leaders needed and why b)Review position descriptions 3.Have Sign-up Sheets – Be Creative 4.“Youth stay in the program longer when parents participate” 5.Training is available 6.You’re not in this alone. 7.Have Adult Applications 8
Adult Leader Requirements 18 years old and up Take Youth Protection Training Complete the Adult Application Approval of the Charter Organization Representative Pass the Criminal Background Check 9
10 Why Should I Get Trained? Studies have shown that a unit’s “retention rate” and “percentage of trained leaders” have a direct correlation. The more trained leaders a unit has, the more likely their youth will stay in the program and advance to the next level. “Training, training, training to empower our committee members, adult leaders, and everyone so they have the tools and resources to go to.” “Better training, more continuing education, cross-pollination of best practices are all ways to combat this (low retention rates)”.
11 Where Can I Get My Training? Scouting’s National Website at: Pathway To Adventure Council Website at:
12 What do I Need to be Trained? PACK Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster: Youth Protection Training CLASSROOM Position Specifics Training OR ONLINE Position Specifics Training Before the First Meeting First 30 Days Position Trained Pack Committee/Committee Chair: Youth Protection Training Pack Trainer (Fundamentals of Training) CLASSROOM Pack Committee Challenge OR ONLINE Pack Committee Position Specifics Training Before the First Meeting First 30 Days Position Trained
13 What do I Need to be Trained? PACK Den Leader: Tiger Cub Cub Scout/ Assistant Webelos/ Assistant Youth Protection Training Position Specifics Training OR Den Leader Position Specifics Training Before the First Meeting First 30 Days Position Trained CLASSROOM ONLINE
14 What do I Need to be Trained? TROOP All Positions CLASSROOM/ ONLINE Youth Protection Training Committee/Committee Chair CLASSROOM/ ONLINE Troop Committee Challenge Chartered Organization Rep. CLASSROOM Training the Chartered Org. Rep. Scoutmaster/ Assistant CLASSROOM Position Specifics Training Leader of 11-Year Old ScoutsIntro. To Outdoor Leadership Skills
15 Additional Cub Scout Leader Training Additional Activity Training (for any Cub Scout leader) Hazardous Weather Training: For any outdoor activity (online) BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation): Required for a Pack overnight camping trip OWL (Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders): Supplemental training for Webelos leaders planning outdoor, patrol activities
16 Additional Boy Scout/Venturing Leader Training Special Outdoor Activity Training Safe Swim Defense: Any swim activity. Safety Afloat: Any boating activity. Climb on Safely: Any climbing activity. Trek Safely: Any hiking activity. Wilderness First Aid: For all High-Adventure trips. Paddle Craft Safety: Recommended for all float trips.
17 Additional Leader Training (General) Additional training that will make you an even greater Scout leader! Wood Badge: Advanced leadership training. Kodiak: Outdoor skills training. Powder Horn: Advanced outdoor skills. How to Protect Children from Child Abuse (shown to youth) Cub Scout: “It Happened to Me” Boy Scout/Venturing: “A Time to Tell” and “Cyber Chip”
Tools and resources 18
Scouting’s National Website at: Pathway To Adventure Council Website at:
20 Q: How long does my training last before I need to renew? A: It ranges from no renewal necessary to every three years. One Time: This is Scouting, Position Specific (each level), Committee Training, BALOO, OWL, Scoutmaster Outdoor, Wood Badge, Powder Horn, Kodiak. Every Two Years: Youth Protection, Venturing Youth Protection, Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, Climb on Safely, Trek Safely, Hazardous Weather, Wilderness First Aid Every Three Years: Paddle Craft Safety
21 Q: Do I need to train for every position? A: You should be trained for each position as you hold them. You may take training for positions you do not currently hold. However, it is best to train close in time to when you will need to utilize the information and skills.
22 Q: Do I need to fill out a new application each time my position changes? A: Yes. The one exception is the transition from Wolf Leader to Bear Leader.
Thank you for attending the Leadership Recruitment & Training Session a breakout of the Unit Support Conference