Puente in the Caribbean Program Review Francisco Pilotti, Director Office for the Promotion and Strengthening of Social Protection Mexico, August 10-11, 2011
Puente in the Caribbean: Overview BackgroundContent Training Methodology
Mandates Mandates Millennium Development Goal No. 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger IV Summit of the Americas: Identify and exchange, within the framework of the OAS, practices in the region regarding policies and programs to confront poverty. Identify and exchange, within the framework of the OAS, practices in the region regarding policies and programs to confront poverty. I Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Social Development Foster the establishment of an Inter-American Social Protection Network Foster the establishment of an Inter-American Social Protection Network V Summit of the Americas Create an Inter-American Social Protection Network Create an Inter-American Social Protection Network II Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Social Development
The Puente Program Established in 2002, the Program focuses on the family as the unit of intervention. During 24 months, Puente seeks to empower the family in order to improve its quality of life in seven dimensions: Health Education Civil Registry (Identification) Housing Employment Family Dynamics Income Generation
The Puente Approach The Puente Approach Psychosocial Support and Subsidies Families in extreme poverty Autonomous families with access to protection networks Follow-Up 24 months Toolkit: what’s inside? Can the contents be shared?
Unpacking the Contents of the Toolkit: Critical Transference Unpacking the Contents of the Toolkit: Critical Transference Institutional Framework Political and Policy Dimensions Targeting Techniques Family Intervention Techniques
Strategic Alliance Chile – OAS - Caribbean OAS Chile: FOSIS - MIDEPLAN Trinidad & Tobago: Ministry of Social Development, St. Lucia: Ministry of Social Transformation and Poverty Reduction Fund Jamaica: Jamaica Social Investment Fund and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security Barbados: Ministry of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Community Development St. Kitts and Nevis: Ministry of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs Suriname: Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Ministry of National Mobilization, Social Development, Youth and Sports
University of the West Indies CIDA – Canada Government of Chile World Bank United States Department of State People’s Republic of China Educational Portal of the Americas Strategic Alliance: Partners
Main Activities – Phase I 2007 Formation of task force Formation of task force Launching workshop, Kingston Launching workshop, Kingston Website Website Internship, Chile Internship, Chile National work plans National work plans2008 Monitoring by FOSIS tutors in the Caribbean Monitoring by FOSIS tutors in the Caribbean Evaluation of achievements, Trinidad y Tobago, September Evaluation of achievements, Trinidad y Tobago, September Results presented at Conference for CARICOM countries, September Results presented at Conference for CARICOM countries, September Incorporation of 4 new countries into the Program Incorporation of 4 new countries into the Program
Outcomes - Phase I Trinidad and Tobago: STEP - UP Jamaica: BRIDGE St. Lucia: KOUDEMAIN
Main Activities – Phase II 2009 St Lucia: Preparatory workshop for 4 new countries St Lucia: Preparatory workshop for 4 new countries Chile: Internship Chile: Internship Launch of virtual forum Launch of virtual forum2010/2011 OAS monitoring visit to 4 countries OAS monitoring visit to 4 countries Training materials Training materials Chilean tutors visit 4 countries Chilean tutors visit 4 countries Barbados meeting: the way forward Barbados meeting: the way forward
Outcomes - Phase II BARBADOS: ISEE Bridge
Input: Training Output: Learning Outcome: Changes in the Workplace Impact: Enhanced Institutional Capacity Knowledge – Learning - Application Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening
Puente’s Approach to Capacity Building WorkPlan
Puente’s Hands – On Approach