Social Development Sector Overview of 2016/17 Grant and Budget Guidelines Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
1.Sector Objectives 2.Sector Outcomes 3.Sector Mandate 4.Sector Policy Priorities 5.Structure and Purpose of Sector Transfers 6.Allocation Formulae 7.Overview of Budget Requirements 8Service Delivery Units 99Other Sectoral Issues 2
1.00 Sector Policy Objectives 1.1Promote decent employment opportunities and labour productivity; 1.2Enhance effective participation of communities in the development process; 1.3Enhance the resilience and productive capacity of the vulnerable persons for inclusive growth; 1.4Empower youth to harness their potential and increase self- employment, productivity and competitiveness; 1.5Promote rights, gender equality & equity and women empowerment in the development process; 1.6Strengthen the performance of the SDS institutions; and 1.7Redress imbalances and promote equal opportunity for all. 3
2.0 Sector Outcomes 2.1 Increased proportion of workforce in productive and decent employment activities; 2.2Increased percentage contribution of creative and cultural industries to economic development ; 2.3Increased percentage of households accessing and participating in development activities; 2.4Increased percentage of marginalized groups participating in and benefiting from sustainable development initiatives; 2.5Increased percentage of beneficiaries of social protection programmes with the capacity to meet their basic needs and access social services; 4
2.00 Sector Outcomes 2.6 Informed households accessing and participating in development a; 2.7Increased percentage of empowered Women that have ownership, access, and control of resources ; 2.8Increased Women’s representation in decision making at all levels ; 2,8Increased number of sectors and Local Governments that have mainstreamed gender and rights concerns in policies, plans and Budgets; 2.9Reduced prevalence of GBV (Physical, Sexual, Defilement of Children and FGM); 2.10Increased protected rights of vulnerable groups; and 2.11Visible, strong, sustainable, efficient and effective social development institutions supporting service delivery for the SDS. 5
3.0 Sector Mandate 3.1To mobilize and empower communities to harness their potential while, protecting the rights of vulnerable population groups; 3.2 Promotes issues of labour productivity and employment, social protection, gender equality & equity, human rights, culture and empowerment; 3.3 Overall, the sector aims to achieve a better standard of living, equity and social cohesion; 3.4 Responsible for the protection and promotion of the rights of the vulnerable population, addressing gender inequalities, ensuring cultural growth, labour and employment as well as community mobilisation and empowerment. 3.5 Therefore, the Sector plays a fundamental role in creating demand for social services and laying a foundation for other sectors to improve their outcomes. 6
4.0 Sector Policy Priorities 4.1 The Social Development Sector provides community level activities to reduce poverty and plays a pivotal role that creates the necessary conducive environment for the other sectors to effectively deliver services to all sections of the population. 4.2 The overall planning framework is the Social Development Sector Strategic Investment Plan (SDIP) that directly contributes to the National Development Plan II. The SDIP restates government’s commitment to achieve growth with equity. 4.3 NDP II was also informed by the Sector Issues Paper. This paper will also inform the update of the sector plan which is currently under development as the last year of SIDP II is 2015/16 7
5.0 Structure and Purpose of Sector Transfers GrantPurpose Social Development Services – NWR To support decentralized services and community-level action to reduce poverty 8
6.0 Key Variables Used in Allocation Formulae VariableJustification Hard to Reach, Hard to Stay Proxy for cost of providing services far in hard to reach areas Land Area (Hectares) Proxy for cost of providing services in a larger district. PopulationEstimates the need Poverty HeadcountPromotes equalisation, recognising that the poorest regions may benefit most from the services provided 9
7.0 Service Delivery Units AreaRequirement Narrative and performance contract The budget narrative summarises information on revenue, expenditure and key outputs in the performance contract. Overview of Work plan Revenues and Expenditure Total Work plan revenues and expenditures balance and are divided correctly between wage, non-wage recurrent, GoU and donor development. Salaries and Related Costs Salaries of permanent staff must not exceed the overall staff and budget ceilings, Salaries must be funded from the unconditional wage grant. Salary allocations to for permanent staff must be according to the filled posts within the approved structure, recruitment plan and salary scales. 10
7. Service Delivery Units(cont.) AreaHuman Resource Requirements Salaries and Related Costs Wage allocations must meet minimum staffing requirements. District Head Quarters must budget for: o 1 District Community Development Officer o 2 Senior Community Development Officers o Senior Probation Social Welfare Officer (Prob. Act Cap 122) o 1 Principal Labour Officer o 1 Senior Labour Officer o 1 Labour Officer Municipal Head Quarters must budget for: o 1Principal Community Development Officer o 2 Senior Community Development Officers o Senior Probation Social Welfare Officer (Prob. Act 1963) o 1 Principal Labour Officer o 1 Senior Labour Officer o 1 Labour Officer 11
7. Service Delivery Units (cont.) AreaHuman Resource Requirements Salaries and Related Costs Each district sub-county must budget for: o 1 Community Development Officer o 1 Assistant Community Development Officer o 1 Probation Officer Each municipal division must budget for: o 1 Community Development Officer o 1 Assistant Community Development Officer o 1 Probation Officer o 1 Labour Officer 12
7.0 Service Delivery Units (cont.) AreaRequirement Lower Local Services The budget must allocate a minimum of 70% of sector non-wage recurrent grant to Lower Local Governments to fund CDOs and CDWs to implement programmes for PWDs, Community Based Rehabilitation and Youth Councils. Monitoring and Management of Service Delivery Local governments may budget up to a maximum of 10% of the non-wage recurrent budget for monitoring and supervision. Capacity development The sector conditional grants cannot be used to budget for capacity building. However, local governments may provide for capacity building using their own local revenue, the DDEG, and other transfers. Capacity building activities should be consistent with the positive and negative lists. Capital Investments Local governments may budget for capital investment using the DDEG or reallocations from wage and non-wage conditional grants. At most, 10% of budget allocations to Social Development infrastructure and rehabilitation can be used to finance investment service costs, such as bills of quantities or economic impact assessments. Local governments must not budget for investments specified in the negative list. 13
8.0 Other Sectoral Issues 1.0 The structure of the department does not allow for career development; 2.0 OSH function is not decentralised, therefore, there is need for the establishment of regional offices to enforce OSH Standards; 3.0 The post of labour officer is a requirement as stipulated in the Employment Act 2006; 4.0 It is a requirement by the World Bank that all infrastructure projects should be inspected for labour and OSH social safeguard framework before accessing funds; 5.0 Insufficient funding to the sector; 6.0 Inadequate transport 14
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