Peer Assisted Learning for 1 st Year Students BA (Hons) in International Business and Languages Odette Gabaudan and Maria-José Gonzalez s: School of Languages Scoil na dTeangacha
PAL in DIT School of Languages “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll understand, involve me and I’ll remember” Chinese proverb Cross year support b/w 1 st year and 2 nd year students of the BA (Hons) International Business & Languages programme Co-operative learning under guidance of 2 nd year mentors
AIMS of PAL Facilitate transition from secondary school to third level Engage with academic work Acquire set of study skills Help student integration Enhance academic performance Improve retention
LONG TERM AIMS Embed initiative in IBL programme Expand to new programmes in SoL Expand to Erasmus students for their integration into DIT
SCOPE OF PAL SESSIONS Course/College in general Subject-related - consolidation of class work - trouble-shooting Study skills
PROCESS STAGE 1 – semester 1 Induction for 2nd year volunteer students as mentors Before review week, get together session b/w 1st and 2nd year students. Ice breaker and pairing up of students Review week: initial meeting b/w mentor and peer Feedback questionnaire to all students involved STAGE 2 – semester 2 January: get together between 1 st and 2 nd years to re-launch initiative and attract more 1 st years. Icebreaker & raffle Focus group with 2 nd years : Experience so far How to engage 1 st year students Identification of 2 nd years’ strengths → discipline based mentoring sessions for 1 st years Practical information session
MEANS OF COMMUNICATION Facebook, Webcourses, Webex, text, on flyer ( PAL presentations made to 1 st year class groups Mentors addressed 1 st years in class to explain benefits of PAL
SURVEY RESULTS Topics covered during PAL sessions General college information Course work Webex Library Assignments Course Structure Modules Projects Presentations
IBL MENTORS’ PERSPECTIVE Help 1st years Meet new people Develop personal and professional skills CV DIT Certificate (…) Revise course content
REFLEXIONS Lack of engagement in 1 st year students High levels of enthusiasm in 2 nd years Unexpected challenges 1 st years’ poor engagement Learning curve (e.g. Facebook, “training” of mentors) Requirement for sustained effort
ACTION PLAN Engaging 1 st years into PAL Compulsory v/ optional Embedded in induction – early start is key Involve programme team Include PAL section in student handbook Timetable: identify free suitable slot Involve Student Union Identify mentors before June 2010 Seek formal training of trainers
CONCLUSION Institutional support (Teaching Fellowship) Expansion of PAL / PASS in Ireland (GMIT, AIT but also UL, DKIT, WIT etc) Develop PAL / PASS in DIT The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited - Plutarch