Emergency Response: How is your District Doing? Presented by:Kaylee Sorensen AZ School Risk Retention Trust
Arizona School Districts Mutual Aid Compact 1.0 PARTIES: Made and entered into by and among signatory school districts in Arizona that are authorized under A.R.S. § A.R.S. §11-952: public agencies may contract for services and may enter into agreements with one another for joint or cooperative action.
Arizona School Districts Mutual Aid Compact 2.0 PURPOSE: the parties desire to expand their emergency response capabilities and enhance their procedures and protocols. The agreement outlines how parties will coordinate and share resources in their possession to assist the other party in an emergency situation that warrants additional resources.
Arizona School Districts Mutual Aid Compact 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES: –4.1: upon the request of another party in need, dispatch services and resources to an incident when able. –4.4: a party that needs assistance in excess of its own resources is authorized to request assistance from any party to this Agreement.
Arizona School Districts Mutual Aid Compact 6.0 COST FOR SERVICES AND RESOURCES –6.1: if assisting party desires reimbursement, requesting party shall reimburse assisting party all reasonable costs incurred by assisting party. Reimbursement shall be at cost, without overhead or other fees. –6.2: if assisting party expects to or does incur liabilities in excess of its budget, requesting party shall jointly participate with assisting party in any proceedings required by law to authorize or ratify expenditures for such liabilities.
Arizona School Districts Mutual Aid Compact 7.0 INSURANCE –Each party is responsible for its respective personnel and equipment. 10.O AMENDMENTS –Any changes to this agreement shall be made in writing, signed by all parties.
Arizona School Districts Mutual Aid Compact SIGNATURE PAGE –A.R.S. §11-952(D) requires that the governing board approve the compact as it is considered an IGA. –Attorney for the district must sign as well.
If you have questions or would like a copy of this presentation, please contact: Arizona School Risk Retention Trust, Inc. Phone: (602)