Africa: Why a good fit for India? 2016 India Energy Week Conference by Argus Media & ElitePlus ++: (8-10) th March, ITC Maurya New Delhi, India Author: Eze Solomon IKEMENOGO, (Chief Economist) Planning, DPR, Lagos Nigeria.
Understanding Africa Profile on the African Continent Capacity for Competitiveness Brief on IndiaInsight on India Drivers Global perspective Key Drivers Gaps & Opportunities India Energy Story Growth Aspiration & Energy Equation Growing Energy Reserves in Africa Good-Fit Metrics Oil & Gas Reserves & Production Oil & Gas Consumption Sustaining Indian Economy Inestimable Values Historical Values & Cultural Affiliation Shared Interest & Understanding ConclusionRecommendations Outline
Understanding Africa Demography 2 nd Largest Continent, billion people 1 (2013 est.) Projected to reach 1.9 billion in Demography 2 nd Largest Continent, billion people 1 (2013 est.) Projected to reach 1.9 billion in Politics, Culture & Economy 54 Countries & One Non-self Governing Territory Diverse Ethnicities, Cultures, Languages, Growing Democracy & Good Governance Growing with Abundant Natural & Mineral Resources Politics, Culture & Economy 54 Countries & One Non-self Governing Territory Diverse Ethnicities, Cultures, Languages, Growing Democracy & Good Governance Growing with Abundant Natural & Mineral Resources African Continent United & Interacts Via Multinational Organizations AU - African Union ECOWAS – Economic Community of West African States EAC – East African Community ECCAS – Economic Community of Central African States SADC – Southern African Development Community IGAD – Intergovernmental Authority on Development CEN-SAD – Community of Sahel-Saharan States COMESA – Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa UMA – Union du Maghreb Arabe (Arab Maghreb Union) WAMZ – West African Monetary Zone MRU – Mano River Union UEMOA – West African Economic and Monetary Union LGA – Liptako-Gourma Authority CEMAC - Economic & Monetary Community of Central Africa CEPGL – Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries SACU - Southern African Customs Union 1;
Africa Industry strength in Mining, Agriculture & Oil/Gas Production Growing Population Increasing pool of young, educated workforce Expanding Democracy & Good Governance Increasing interactions & unity across African regions Abundant Natural & Mineral Resources Africa’s Competitiveness Source:
Insight on India Demography World’s 2 nd most populous country with 1.3 Billion 1 PoliticsPolitics Democracy Pragmatic Leadership Diplomatic Inroads & Africa Economy Open Mkt Economy & Growth NITI & Inclusive Reforms Global Competitiveness Investment Energy Energy Equation NITI & Energy Efficiency Energy Security Republic of India Source: 1
South-South Cooperation Global Value Chain Climate Change UN Reforms & Security Council Seat African – India Cooperation: Global Perspective
Key Drivers of Africa - India Relationship A Relationship of Mutual Understanding and Benefits Africa Perspective Attract more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Enhance Africa’s share of World Trade Economic & Technological Exchange Natural Resources Transformation India’s Duty Free Scheme Expansion Africa’s Security at the India Ocean Region Africa Perspective Attract more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Enhance Africa’s share of World Trade Economic & Technological Exchange Natural Resources Transformation India’s Duty Free Scheme Expansion Africa’s Security at the India Ocean Region
India Energy Story: The Past & The Future Source: The Gap 1947 – 2047 Per Capital Energy Consumption (kwh)
India’s Growth Aspiration & Energy Equation
Growing Oil and Natural Gas Reserves in Africa
Africa – India Energy Metrics Source: 2015 BP Statistics
Africa can Adequately Bridging India’s Energy Gap Gas Reserves (G-14 TCM) Oil Reserves (O-129 Bbbls) Libya O-48Bbbls G-52Tcf Algeria O-12Bbbls G-159Tcf Nigeria O-37Bbbls G-180Tcf Egypt O-4.4Bbbls G-77Tcf Sudan & South Sudan O-.5Bbbls G-3Tcf Ethiopia G-0.88Tcf Uganda O-1.0Bbbls G-0.58Tcf Rwanda G-2.0Tcf Democratic Republic of Congo O-0.18Bbbls Chad O-1.5Bbbls Mozambique G-4.5Tcf Namibia G-2.2Tcf Angola O-9.5Bbbls G-10.9Tcf Ghana O-0.6Bbbls G-0.8Tcf Ivory Coast O-0.1Bbbls G-1.0Tcf Cameroon O-0.2Bbbls G-4.7Tcf Gabon O-2.0Bbbls G-1.0Tcf Mauritania O-0.02Bbbls G-1.0Tcf Congo (Brazzaville) O-1.6Bbbls G-3.2Tcf Equatorial Guinea O-1.1Bbbls G-1.3Tcf Tunisia O-0.4Bbbls G-2.3Tcf GAP
The Largest African Economy & Opportunities Sokoto Basin OPL 0 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 28 TOTAL 28 Sokoto Basin OPL 0 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 28 TOTAL 28 Sokoto Basin Borno Basin Bida Basin Benue Trough Anambra Basin Benin Basin Gulf of Guinea Benin Cameroun Bida OPL 0 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 17 TOTAL 17 Bida OPL 0 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 17 TOTAL 17 Benin Basin OPL 3 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 6 TOTAL 9 Benin Basin OPL 3 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 6 TOTAL 9 Continental Shelf OPL 15 OML 36 OPEN ASSETS 6 TOTAAL 57 Continental Shelf OPL 15 OML 36 OPEN ASSETS 6 TOTAAL 57 Deep Offshore OPL 26 OML 17 OPEN ASSETS 53 TOTAL 96 Deep Offshore OPL 26 OML 17 OPEN ASSETS 53 TOTAL 96 Onshore Niger Delta OPL 19 OML 54 OPEN ASSETS 5 TOTAL 78 Onshore Niger Delta OPL 19 OML 54 OPEN ASSETS 5 TOTAL 78 Chad Basin OPL 6 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 40 TOTAL 46 Chad Basin OPL 6 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 40 TOTAL 46 Summary OPL 76 OML 107 OPEN ASSETS 208 TOTAL 391 Benue Trough OPL 2 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 41 TOTAL 43 Benue Trough OPL 2 OML 0 OPEN ASSETS 41 TOTAL 43
India-Africa Forum Summit & Poverty Eradication Economy Trade Industry Agriculture Infrastructure Ocean Economy Energy Education Health Security Africa – India Cooperation Economy Trade Industry Agriculture Infrastructure Ocean Economy Energy Education Health Security Africa – India Cooperation Source: IMF (2014), List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita
Refining Health Technology DefenceTransportation Indian Capacity: Suitable for Africa
Africa’s Prospects for India Energy Reliance Investment Expansion Support UN Security Council Seat Share of African Market
Africa-India Inestimable Historic & Cultural Values Commonwealth Membership Cultural Affiliations African-Indians Home Connection Shared Interest & International Fora
Rolling the Wheels of Africa-India Cooperation Institutionalize Gains of India-Africa Forum Summit Strengthen Institutions for Africa-India Cooperation Intensify India-Africa Cultural Affiliation Optimize Values of South-South Cooperation Maximize Benefits of Global Value Chain Participation Think Leadership, Think People, Think Global India Indian Development Imperatives Africa African Development Aspirations Africa – India: Good Fit for Mutual Benefits
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