Psychological disorder - Abnormal behavior pattern that involves a disturbance of psychological functioning or behavior. Abnormal psychology - The branch of psychology that deals with the description, causes, and treatment of abnormal behavior patterns. Medical model - A biological perspective in which abnormal behavior is viewed as symptomatic of underlying illness.
MENTAL ILLNESS THROUGHOUT TIME Causes of mental illness included: Supernatural causes such as demons and demonic possession. Witchcraft and sorcery. Mass hysteria. Melancholy and stress. Treatments for mental illness included: Exorcism. Shaving the pattern of a cross in the head-hair. Believe that those suffering from mental illness could benefit from hearing mass. Drinking ice-cold water.
FEATURES OF THE DSM-5 The DSM lists the symptoms that typically must be present to make a particular diagnosis as well as clinical features, demographic and statistical information. The DSM –5 uses categories, and patients whose symptoms are similar to the description of the category are said to have that disorder. The first edition of the DSM was published in 1952 on the basis of census data and psychiatric hospital statistics. Since then, the DSM has been revised five times.
A specific fear of an OBJECT, SITUATION, or ACTIVITY. The fear can range from unease to a full blown panic attack but for others the fear can be so debilitating that they go to extremes to avoid the fearful situation.
NAMEDESCRIPTION Acrophobia Fear of heights Agoraphobia Fear of situations in which escape is difficult Arachnophobia Fear of spiders Astraphobia Fear of thunder and lightning Claustrophobia Fear of closed-in spaces Cynophobia Fear of dogs Mysophobia Fear of germs or dirt Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes Pteromerhanophobia Fear of flying Social phobia Fear of social situations Trypanophobia Fear of injections Zoophobia Fear of small animals
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychological disorder that is diagnosed when an individual: Continuously experiences distressing or frightening thoughts, and engages in obsessions (repetitive thoughts) or compulsions (repetitive behaviors) in an attempt to calm these thoughts. OCD is diagnosed when the obsessive thoughts are so disturbing and the compulsive behaviors are so time consuming that they cause distress or interfere with functioning in a person’s everyday life. The sufferers may know that these rituals are senseless, but they cannot bring themselves to stop them
Schizophrenia is a serious psychological disorder marked by: Delusions Hallucinations loss of contact with reality inappropriate affect disorganized speech social withdrawal deterioration of adaptive behavior
Schizophrenia is the most chronic and debilitating of all psychological disorders. It affects men and women equally, occurs in similar rates across ethnicities and across cultures, and affects at any one time approximately 3 million people in the United States Onset of schizophrenia is usually between the ages of 16 and 30 and rarely after the age of 45 or in children
Schizophrenia is accompanied by a variety of symptoms, but not all patients have all of them: Positive symptoms refer to the presence of abnormal behaviors or experiences (such as hallucinations) that are not observed in normal people. At least one of the core positive symptoms (hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech) must be present in order for schizophrenia to be diagnosed. Negative symptoms (such as lack of affect and an inability to socialize with others) refer to the loss or deterioration of thoughts and behaviors that are typical of normal functioning. cognitive symptoms are the changes in cognitive processes that accompany schizophrenia
Positive symptomsNegative symptomsCognitive symptoms HallucinationsSocial withdrawal Poor executive control Delusions (of grandeur or persecution) Flat affect and lack of pleasure in everyday life Trouble focusing Derailment Apathy and loss of motivation Working memory problems Grossly disorganized behavior Distorted sense of time Poor problem-solving abilities Inappropriate affectLack of goal-oriented activity