ONE International Economic Regimes-norms, rules and, institutions intended to achieve common economic goals among the world’s peoples. They range from bilateral to complex multilateral, regional and, universal. Regimes are shaped by political factors such as the distribution of power, degree of shared goals and, interests, nature of leadership. International economic systems are clusters of regimes. Since WWII, three 1) Bretton Woods WWII ) Interdependence ) Globalization 1989-present.
ONE Bretton Woods For nearly two decades controlled conflict and helped participants to achieve common objectives. The regime was built upon three pillars: the International Monetary Fund (IMF); the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and; the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) In the early years interaction was limited but growing. Nations were recovering. Protectionism was difficult to unwind. International investment was limited.
ONE There were three political foundations: the concentration of power in a small number of states; the existence of a cluster of shared interests and; the presence of a dominant power willing and able to lead. Developed nations were the drivers. 2 nd World were no challenge. 3 rd world was inchoate. Japan was an outlier. Management was made easier by the great degree of consensus that existed. There was a shared belief in CAPITALISM and LIBERALISM, with a reliance upon market mechanisms. They agreed on the principle of INTERVENTION founded upon Keynesian/Welfare state approach.
ONE Liberal international economic system. The beggar-thy-neighbor era of the interwar years provided and object lesson. But there was an acknowledgement that free markets could be unstable. There was a belief that a liberal international economy could assist in the achievement and maintenance of international peace as well as the expansion of economic prosperity and integration. The Cold War intensified the sense of community in the West. They agreed upon a stable system, reduction of impediments to the free flow of economic instruments and, a stable monetary system. US power and leadership was central.