Using images of Homo erectus and Homo ergaster to solve the problem Why so problematic? Using images of Homo erectus and Homo ergaster to solve the problem Picture: KNM-ER 3733 from Grade 8 E.Bavery
Daily Agenda KWL: What do you know? What do you want to know? What did you learn? PowerPoint of Homo ergaster News Activity HW: finish News Activity Worksheet due Tomorrow To be displayed on the projector, or Smart Board, or what ever type of technology you have in your classroom, when the students enter.
KWL What do you know about Homo ergaster? What do you want to know about Homo ergaster? What did you learn about Homo ergaster?
Image from (KWL resource)
Homo ergaster Background Dates: 1.8 million and 1.2 million years ago Lived during the Lower Pleistocene Epoch Contributed to living in Africa Thinner cranial bones Higher cranial vault Less robust face Lighter frame Not associated with the use of fire Picture: KNM-ER 992 Mandible from
Homo ergaster Discovered by K. Kimeu, Alan Walker, and Richard Leakey at Nariokotome III, West Turkana, Kenya in 1984 KNM WT 15000 Partial Skeleton (1.5 million years ago) Discovered by the Koobi Fora Research Project at East Turkana, Kenya in 1975 KNM ER 3733 Cranium Picture: KNM WT 15000 Partial Skeleton from Picture: KNM ER 3733 Cranium from and
Homo ergaster Controversy Is Homo ergaster really Homo ergaster? What do you think? Some scientists have split Homo ergaster into 3 forms: H. ergaster (Africa), H. erectus (Asia), H. heidelbergensis (Europe) Some scientists believe H. ergaster is just an earlier form of H. erectus from Africa
Homo ergaster Controversy Homo ergaster vs. Homo erectus Some researches deny H. ergaster and H. erectus are separate species B. Wood’s list of differences Increased cranial breadth across the parietal bones. Increased occipital bone length. Broader nasal bones. Broader nasal opening. Shorter cranial base. Greater development of the mandibular symphysis. Narrower M1s and lower canines. List from
Homo ergaster vs. Homo erectus Using the cranial images, have students compare the images, and write the comparisons in their Venn Diagrams. What are the differences between the cranial images? What are some of the similarities? Images (ER 3733) (H. erectus) (WT 15000) from
What’s in the News? Group Activity involving Homo ergaster Split in reading groups, to read the two news articles After reading, pick up the worksheet on the front table Work on the worksheet independently at your desk Homework: News Article Worksheet due Tomorrow