SUPER SIZE ME Morgan Spurlock decided to make this documentary about the fast food industry when he heard the story of two girls suing McDonald’s in the US for causing their obesity, and the subsequent denial by McDonald’s of any responsibility. Spurlock’s aim is to highlight the nutritional demerits of fast food by living exclusively off McDonald’s food for a whole month. He sets himself the challenge of eating a McDonald’s meal three times a day, eating every item on the menu at least once during the experiment, and super-sizing his meal every time he was asked to. Spurlock consults three doctors and a nutritionist who monitor his progress and analyse the effect on his body of what he is eating. Neither Spurlock’s doctors or his vegan chef girlfriend seem very impressed by his plan, but Spurlock is determined to see it through.
SUPER SIZE ME ‘No-one eats at McDonalds three times a day, and so this experiment is not really a fair look at the effect of junk food on our bodies’. Do you agree? Why? Why not? Spurlock suggests the obesity problem will get worse because (amongst other things) American children are being exposed to 10,000 junk food adverts a year. Do you agree? Why? Why not?
SUPER SIZE ME Are McDonald’s and other fast food companies to blame for the obesity epidemic sweeping the USA & UK? Or is being overweight the fault of the individual in question? Is there a reason why we should look after our bodies? Should we be able to eat what we want, when we want even if it is doing us harm?