RCUK cross-Council research themes - an overview
RCUK Research Priorities & Themes All Councils have Delivery Plans which address areas of challenge for that Council. Where research challenges cross discipline boundaries, Councils collaborate on a range of schemes and initiatives - the largest of these are the RCUK Research Themes. Themes are designed to address economic and societal grand challenges Themes support interdisciplinary research focus and coordination, building capacity in grand challenge research areas
Themes Overview ThemeLead Council – partner Councils Living With Environmental Change (LWEC) NERC – AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC Digital Economy (DE) EPSRC – AHRC, ESRC, MRC Global Food Security (GFS) BBSRC– ESRC, EPSRC, MRC, NERC Lifelong Health and Wellbeing (LLHW) MRC – AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC, EPSRC es/LLHW/index.htm EnergyEPSRC – BBSRC, ESRC, NERC, STFC Global Uncertainties (GU) ESRC – All Research Councils
Summary More complex economic and societal challenges are driving interdisciplinary global solutions The Research Councils have key role to play in ensuring that UK builds capacity and ensures long-term sustainability of interdisciplinary research The development of cross-Council research themes builds on RCUK experience and track record; themes evolve within a research context
Living With Environmental Change (LWEC) An innovative partnership that aims to ensure that decision- makers in government, business and society have the knowledge, foresight and tools to mitigate, adapt to and benefit from environmental change. Comprises 22 public sector organisations that fund, carry out and use environmental research and observations – including the Research councils, government departments with environmental responsibilities, devolved administrations and government agencies. The private sector is represented by a Business Advisory Board.
Digital Economy (DE) DE supports research to rapidly realise the transformational impact of digital technologies on aspects of community life, cultural experiences, future society, and the economy. Brings together a unique community of researchers (from diverse disciplines including social science, engineering, computer science, the arts and medical research) and users (people, business, government) to study, understand and find solutions to real problems.
Global Food Security (GFS) Over 800 million people globally do not have adequate access to safe and nutritious food - this could be made worse by the expected population growth to over nine billion and increasing affluence and urbanisation The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation predicts demand for food will grow by over 40% by 2030 and 70% by The challenge is to meet this demand in ways that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable, and in the face of global climate change.
Lifelong Health and Wellbeing (LLHW) Supports research addressing factors throughout life that influence health and wellbeing in older age. There is an unprecedented demographic change underway in the UK with the proportion of young people declining while that of older people is increasing. By 2051, 40% of the population will be over 50 and one in four over 65. There are considerable benefits to the UK of having an active and healthy older population with potential economic, social and health gains associated with healthy ageing and reducing dependency in later life.
Energy Mission is to position the UK to meet its energy and environmental targets and policy goals through high quality research and postgraduate training. to support a full spectrum of energy research to help the UK meet the objectives and targets set out in the 2007 Energy White Paper to work in partnership to contribute to the research and postgraduate training needs of energy-related businesses and other key stakeholders to increase the international visibility and level of international collaboration within the UK energy research portfolio to expand UK research capacity in energy-related areas.
Global Uncertainties (GU) Addresses global challenges in an uncertain world including international terrorism and conflict, rapid technological development, demographic, cultural, and socio-economic change, and increasing pressures on natural resources. The prosperity and security of the UK will be affected by how we respond to these challenges both nationally and internationally – reducing poverty, tackling and adapting to environmental change and responding effectively to evolving threats to security.
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