Economic, Social and Institutional (ESI) Indicators of Management Effectiveness World Parks Congress 2003 Evaluating Management Effectiveness Session 2c: September 11 th
Why Focus on ESI Indicators?: Four Propositions for Consideration ESI (economic, social and institutional indicators) are typically not as well developed and not as commonly utilized as biological and physical indicators in protected area management ESI monitoring and evaluation in protected areas is inadequately linked with ESI monitoring and evaluation “beyond the borders” – i.e. there is a need to better link protected area indicators with broader land/seascape level indicators There is a lack of institutional capacity to properly utilize ESI indicators in protected area management and we need to engage more social science in both protected areas and land/seascape scale management We urgently need to better integrate indicators and methods for measuring effectiveness across programs (conservation and development) so as to better understand protected area impacts and to gain insights into broader (regional/global trends/changes
Session Objectives Define scope and purpose(s) of ESI indicators Examine how ESI indicators have evolved and used in assessment of management effectiveness inside protected areas Describe tools and processes that allow ESI indicators to be better linked/integrated with other indicators of management effectiveness generally Consider how ESI indicators inside PAs can be better linked with ESI measures beyond the boundaries Define critical gaps in ESI indicators and their use and priorities for improvement of management effectiveness practice in relation to ESI indicators >>>> leading to recommendations to IUCN/WCPA ME program, Durban Accord + CBD
Program Overview 1400Welcome/Overview – Dutton + Rieger 1410ESI Overview - Dutton 1425Parks in Peril – Rieger/Padilla 1500Cambodia Overview - Vathana 1520Forest Management - McKinnon 1540Broads Experience- Green 1600BP Experience - Herlugson 1620Institutional Effectiveness – Flores/Moreno 1700Participant Contributions + Discussion 1750Recap and Close – Dutton/Rieger
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