Retention of Potential Pre-Service Teachers Beyond an Introductory Education Course by Personality Type Ms. Elyse Pinkie, Dr. Andrea Beam, Dr. Russ Yocum, & Dr. Deanna Keith 1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg VA Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the personality types of potential teacher candidates. Because EDUC 125 is a prerequisite for applying to the Teacher Education program, many students take the course who decide, by taking the course, that the teaching profession is not for them. It is our desire to develop an understanding of the personality types that go into teaching, as well as those that do not, in order to better understand our teacher candidates, as well as understand how we may be better able to assist those who desire to teach, but do not feel as though their personality may be a good fit for the profession. Research Question The following Myers Briggs Personality Test requires the completion of several ranking questions, some of which include the following: 1.You find it easy to introduce yourself to other people. 2.A logival decision is always the best, even when it hurts someone’s feelings.. 3.You are rather impatient. 4.You need to retreat and have some “alone time” after spending some time talking to other people. 5.You are relaxed most of the time. Upon completion of the online Personality Test, participants will receive a result, which looks similar to this: Methods Quantitative Results The quantitative data reflected that no correlation was observed based on the descriptive analysis between pre- service teacher’s personality type and continuing or discontinuing their preparation to become teachers. The results of this study are consistent with research to support that ESFJ personality types work best in family like environments and are likely to be attracted to jobs in childcare or teaching ( types/esfj). types/esfj What pre-service teachers believe about themselves, students and the learning process has a strong influence on how they will perform in the classroom (Brookhart & Freeman, 1992). Contact Information For information, please contact the lead researcher: Ms. Elyse Pinkie 1971 University Blvd, DH 1165X Lynchburg VA Qualitative Interview Themes References Brookhart, S.M., & Freeman, D.J. (1992). Characteristics of entering teacher candidates. Review of Educational Research, 62(1), Western Nevada College Myers Briggs Type Indicator website, retrieved on May 25th, ESFJ: MBTI® personality profile website, retrieved on May 25th, Myers Briggs Free Personality Test What are the themes that will be revealed via analysis of the perceptions of future educational leaders regarding current trends and issues in education? At the first class meeting, a PowerPoint slide describing the study and desired participation was presented to the class and an informed consent document was handed out to each student. Potential participants were afforded the opportunity to ask questions and had one week to turn in their completed informed consent document. All students who turned in the informed consent document were then provided with instructions as to how to take the personality test and submit the results. The personality test was taken online at personality-test. When the test was completed a results page was generated. Participants submitted a copy of this results page on Blackboard to the provided submission link. Participants had one week from the submission of the informed consent document to turn in their personality test results. On the last day of class, each participant took a two question quiz on Blackboard, asking them whether or not they will be continuing on to apply to the Teacher Education program or whether they will be changing their major. Additionally, the participants were asked if they would be willing to participate in an interview regarding their personality traits and how those traits played into their decision to continue or not continue on in the program. Five students from each category were randomly selected for participation in the interview process. Interviews were then conducted, transcribed, and analyzed for themes. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the personality test data. Outgoing/extroverted Hardworking Creative Optimistic/positivistic (x2) Compassionate/sympathetic Organized (x2) The 9 Intro to Education students interviewed perceive that optimism (associated ENFP)* and ability to organize well (associated ENFJ/ENTJ/ESFJ/INTJ)* are the two most useful personality traits for teachers. Conclusions & Implications Of the 29 respondents who properly reported their personality test results, the personality types above were indicated. All indicated they would be staying in the education program except for one ISTJ..