AN INVITATION TO LEAD The IIA’s motto is “Progress Through Sharing” Nowhere is this so evident as in the local chapter
CHAPTER LEADERS: Have passion Make a difference Are creative Learn new skills See lasting changes Meet new people…..
Take PRIDE in their profession and their ability to contribute to its GROWTH and SUSTENANCE! CHAPTER LEADERS:
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? Develop your leadership skills Make lasting contacts Build new skills and explore new interests Increase your exposure to best practices Gain confidence Receive recognition for your contributions
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION? Improves professionalism of staff through exposure to best practices and professional leaders Provides continuing professional education Provides visibility and credibility to internal audit department Serves as a training ground for future leadership roles within the organization
HOW MUCH ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE? 3 hours a year? 3 hours a month? 3 hours a week? 3 hours a day? We have something for everyone!
Identify prospective members Sponsor a roundtable Write a newsletter article Work on the chapter Web site Secure a program speaker Edit the chapter newsletter Promote certification THE OPPORTUNITIES GO ON AND ON….
…. AND ON AND ON Become an officer or committee chair Conduct a chapter survey Welcome new members Proctor a certification exam Coordinate a social event Organize an industry program Speak at a student function
READY TO LEAD? The Fort Worth Chapter has the following opportunities: Academic Relations/Scholarships Chairperson Awards Chairperson
NOTHING SPARKED AN INTEREST? We want your involvement, so let us know what interests you! We will be happy to work with you to explore your interests.
MAKE CONTACT…. Contact: Jeremy Gregory, President (817)