HUMAN ORIGINS IN AFRICA FOSSIL evidence shows that the earliest humans originated from Africa and spread across the globe. VOCABULARY: Artifact, Culture, Hominid, Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age, technology, Homo Sapiens
GUIDED READING SECTION 1 NAME TRAITS ACHIEVMENTS Australopithecines Opposable thumb First to walk upright Homo habilis Small Brain First toolmaker, butcher Homo erectus Larger Brain, more intelligent First to use fire, spoken language, migrate Neanderthals Heavy brow, large muscles, thick bones Religious beliefs, built shelters Cro-Magnons Identical to us Planned projects, language
Compare Old Stone Age and New Stone Age BEGAN ENDED Achievements Paleolithic Age 2.5 million B.C. 8000B.C. Made chopping tools Neolithic Age 3000B.C. Polished stone tools, made pottery, grew crops, raised animals
Explain the work of ANTHROPOLOGISTS, ARCHAEOLOGISTS, and PALEONTOLOGISTS. Archaeologists examine artifacts uncovered at digs to learn about the technology and other achievements of prehistoric people Anthropologists study people’s culture. Paleontologists study and date fossil remains.
Humans Try to Control Nature GUIDED READING SECTION 2 1. How did hunter-gatherers use technology to improve their chances of survival? Used Stone, bone, and wood to craft special tools to kill game, catch fish and pry plants loose
2. What types of art did Paleolithic people create? Necklaces, polished beads, carved sculptures, of animals, cave paintings 3.What factors led to the Agricultural Revolution? Discovery that scattered seeds grew into crops, rising temperatures, rich supply of grain, food demand of small population boom!
4. How did farming develop and spread worldwide? Developed in different places world wide and spread from centers of agriculture to neighboring regions 5. What were some of the cultural achievements of Neolithic villagers? Farmers, mirrors, jewelry, knives, colorful wall paintings; religious shrines
6. What problems did early villagers face? Natural disasters, disease, looting
Explain how stone age peoples used slash-and burn farming and the domestication of animals to produce a steady source of food. Farmers planted crops on land they cleared and fertilized using the slash-and-burn method. Domestication may have begun with herding of animals into enclosures to be used as a constant source of food.
GUIDED READING SECTION 3 Patterns of Change: Civilization Village and town life begin. Cities emerge and grow. CIVILIZATIONS ARISE!!!
Explain how UR typified an ancient civilization. Advanced technology and the opportunity for specialization allowed people in UR to work as artisans, traders, and officials in complex institutions such as government and religion. Scribes invented a system of writing called cuneiform to keep track of rituals and barter transactions between farmers and merchants. There center of life in UR was the Ziggurat, a massive temple.
What do anthropologists mean when they use the term CULTURE? A culture is a people’s unique way of life.
What are some common practices that a culture shares? Diet, Clothing, sports, tools and technology, customs, work, etc.
What are some examples of social organization of a culture? Family, class and caste structure, government, economic system, view of authority, relationships between individuals and communities
From what institutions or groups in a society do individuals learn their culture? Media, family, friends, government, religious institutions, school, workplace
A human-made object Artifact
Humans and other creatures that walk upright. HOMINIDS
Another name for the OLD stone Age. PALEOLITHIC AGE
Ways of applying knowledge, tools, and invention to meet human needs TECHNOLOGY
Species name for modern Humans HOMO SAPIENS
Highly mobile people who moved from place to place searching for new food sources were called……..
People whose food supply depended on hunting animals and collecting plant foods were called….
Another name for the Neolithic Revolution was the …….
Early farmers used slash-and-burn methods because…….
The taming of animals in order to raise them as a constant source of food was know as …..
The development of skills in a specific kind of work SPECILIZATION
Professional record keeper SCRIBE
The time when people began using a mixture of copper and tin to shape tools and weapons BRONZE AGE
A system of writing invented in SUMER CUNEIFORM
A way of trading goods and services without money BARTER
A pyramid-shaped, tiered monument found in Ur ZIGGURAT