June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 1 ADRC Project Evaluation ADRC Awareness Baseline Study Granite State Poll Conducted April 19 – April 26, 2004 Telephone interviews with randomly selected NH adults (RDD) N = 542, +/- 4.3% Included 5 questions about ServiceLink
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 2 "How familiar are you with an information service called ServiceLink... very familiar... somewhat familiar... not very familiar... or not familiar at all?" (NH)
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 3 "How familiar are you with an information service called ServiceLink... very familiar... somewhat familiar... not very familiar... or not familiar at all?" (Belknap & Strafford Counties)
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 4 "As you may know, ServiceLink is a free telephone service that provides information about programs and services that are available to the elderly and the disabled. Have you, or anyone in your household, ever called ServiceLink for information about services available for the elderly or the disabled? (NH) Of those who called, 73% “very satisfied” and 20% “somewhat satisfied” with information provided
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 5 "As you may know, ServiceLink is a free telephone service that provides information about programs and services that are available to the elderly and the disabled. Have you, or anyone in your household, ever called ServiceLink for information about services available for the elderly or the disabled? (Belknap & Strafford)
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 6 "If you or someone else in your household, needed information about services for the elderly or disabled in New Hampshire, how likely would you be to call ServiceLink... very likely... somewhat likely... not very likely... or not likely at all?" (NH)
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 7 "If you or someone else in your household, needed information about services for the elderly or disabled in New Hampshire, how likely would you be to call ServiceLink... very likely... somewhat likely... not very likely... or not likely at all?" (Belknap & Strafford)
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 8 "Regardless of whether you, personally, would call ServiceLink, how much would you TRUST the information that ServiceLink provides... would you trust it a lot... somewhat.... not very much... or not at all?“ (NH) Overwhelming reason for not trusting info – don’t know who/what ServiceLink is or does
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 9 "Regardless of whether you, personally, would call ServiceLink, how much would you TRUST the information that ServiceLink provides... would you trust it a lot... somewhat.... not very much... or not at all?“ (Belknap & Strafford)
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 10 Modification of Evaluation Goals Original Evaluation Goals: Awareness: After 3 years, 75% of NH adults will be aware of ServiceLink name, telephone number, role and core functions Public trust: After 3 years, 75% of NH adults will trust the objectivity, reliability and comprehensiveness of ServiceLink services
June 1, 2004 NH Institute for Health Policy & Practice / UNH Survey Center 11 Modification of Evaluation Goals Modified Evaluation Goals: Awareness: After 3 years, 30% of NH adults in pilot counties will be “very” or “somewhat” familiar with ServiceLink name, as measured in by Granite State Poll – “Unaided Awareness” 24% increase over next 3 years Public trust: After 3 years, 75% of NH adults in pilot counties will trust the information provided by ServiceLink “a lot” or “somewhat”, as measured by the Granite State Poll Increase of 22% over next 3 years Likelihood of Using: After 3 years, 75% of NH adults in pilot counties will be “very” or “somewhat” likely to call ServiceLink if they needed information, as measured by the Granite State Poll – “Aided Awareness” Increase of 15% over next 3 years