The Native American Talking Circle Presented by Barb Doty M.D. Meg Sarnecki M.D.
Goals of This Workshop Examine and experience a unique method of group communication Increase nonjudgmental listening skills and awareness Facilitate professional self awareness Understand the talking circle’s use in training Family physicians to respect diverse cultures
What Is the Talking Circle? Confidential communication of emotional and spiritual experiences within the safety of cultural tradition The Talking Circle is grounded in the history and ritual of many indigenous peoples of America
Emphasis – Equality – Partnership – Consent of all parties – Participation of all age groups
Traditional values & rituals are stressed – Sharing – Humility – Respect for others – Cooperation – Spirituality
The Benefits Increase learner listening skills and awareness Develop empathetic listening skills Self discovery Group healing technique Can be used as a method of conflict resolution
Talking vs. Healing Circle Focus on an individual or a problem Group-based therapeutic intervention Outlet for emotional expression in a safe environment
Cultural Competency Skills Facilitates: – Cultural understanding & awareness – Recognition of peoples beliefs & practices associated with illnesses – Healthy doctor patient relationships
Yupik Elders
Alaskan Tribal Healers Lisa Dolchuk Rita Blumenstein
Alaska Native
Learning herbal medicines
Our Setting Alaska – population 600,000 Cultural diversity Widespread communities Remote villages/towns No road access Subsistence lifestyles
Extreme Conditions Extreme temperatures Large waterways, tundra & mountain ranges Winter darkness Summer daylight Isolation
Common transportation
Winter transport
The water highways
Hazards of the Bush
Resident in Yup’ik hospital
Resident Feedback “My colleagues will be my brothers”.. “Hearing one another and being heard by one-another, that is what helped us become brothers and sisters.”
“I felt that I had landed in a special place to do such a thing to encourage openness and support and sense of spiritual intent about the work we were about to do.” A great use of the talking circle (to start training) I am glad to have been a part of it.”
“The presence of our Elders (Max & Lisa) to introduce us to this tradition …helped make the moment a safe and healing time for us, and helped us trust one another.” “Theirs is a great gift..”
The Talking Circle Ground Rules Several rounds around the circle No cross talk until the third round There are no obligations to speak Information shared within the circle is not discussed outside of the circle