Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner Grade 4 English Language Arts Fiction Text
Stone Fox is a fiction by John Reynolds Gardiner. This text will be used as part of a cross curricular unit on the Iditarod. The fiction text will bring in the key concepts of dog sled racing, weather, landscapes, maps, as part of the unit discussing the origins and current makeup of the Iditarod race. The fiction text will be utilized to target understanding and expression of story elements including character, setting, conflict, and resolution within the text. Why Stone Fox?
Cross Curricular Unit Introductory lesson discussing: The Iditarod race – origins to current time Dog sled racing Science curriculum will address the land structures and climate in Alaska (location of the Iditarod). Social Studies curriculum will target the Native American tribe indigenous to the area. Students have an understanding and have been oriented to multimedia/software tools: VoiceThread Kidspiration Power Point or Google Slides iMovie Prerequisite or Background Knowledge
CCS – Please see lesson plan Lesson Goal - Following the reading of Stone Fox, students will demonstrate understanding of the story elements including characters, settings, and conflict/resolution within fiction text by creating a final project incorporating these concepts. Story board, movie trailer, power point presentation, or story map (digital or paper-based). ELA Fiction Text
Focused on 2 Lesson Objectives (many more embedded within) While reading the text, students will identify key details from text by making entries into a digital reading journal. Students will identify the story elements including characters, setting, and conflict/resolution of known text (i.e. fairy tales). Lesson Objectives
Novel PDF version Read & Write for Google™ Kurzweil Audiobook Braille version – available at public library Adapted version Samples of Chapters 1 & 2 – Boardmaker Online Multiple Means of Representation
Reading Log on VoiceThread Reading Log on VoiceThread Students can respond to teacher prompt by recording voice, making video, or typing text Rubric for Reading Log Rubric for Reading Log Known text, such as fairy tales, will be presented in multiple forms (text, ppt, video) to model the identification story elements for students. Final Project - students will be given the opportunity to work individually or small groups to create a final project to demonstrate understanding of the story elements as it relates to Stone Fox. Students will be given multiple options for this project including story board, movie trailer, power point presentation, or story map (digital or paper- based). Rubric for Final Project Rubric for Final Project Multiple Means of Expression
Providing options for recognition and expression Utilizing multimedia tools Eliciting background knowledge and link to other subject areas or interests Fairy Tales Iditarod units in Science, Social Studies, and Math Multiple Means of Engagement
Story Map Paper-based (traditional) Paper-based Digital in Kidspiration Digital PowerPoint Presentation (Example from the web) PowerPoint Presentation Movie (Examples from the web) Example 1 Example 1 Example 2 Example 2 Final Project Options
Watch the Movie after reading the novel Compare and contrast movie and novel Character Analysis Traits of Willy, Stone Fox or SearchLight Vocabulary Create a Dictionary (picture and word-based) on Google Docs Have students enter the word, definition, and picture to represent the vocabulary word Other Ideas or Activities