TCFD Test/CIA Forgiveness Day (Increase your scores, with some $) Quiz scores will go to 100%. CIA’s score will go to 100%. Your whole grade will change with a little $ donation to the Miltonia fund (class expenses, extra teaching materials etc)
Reformation Notes
Facts Catholic church was the major power in Europe, replaced Feudal society Fear of being excommunicated was common from Kings and people (Emperor Henry IV) People bought things from the Catholic church to attain forgiveness and favor.
Purchases from Church 1)Relics-People bought dove feathers, straw, hay, pieces of a cross (all believed to be tied to Jesus) hmmmm. 2)Indulgences – People could purchase Vatican sanctioned forgiveness signed by the pope. You could also buy them for dead relatives. 3) Church encouraged pilgrimages to specific sites where people could buy holy water, certificates, and more.
Reform First suggested reformer Desiderius Erasmus, but Martin Luther is most famous. He was a German monk, a modern day catholic priest. He saw what the church Was doing and thought It to be incorrect According to the bible.
Luthers Theses (ideas) 95 complaints called the 95 theses. 1) He didn’t believe that people needed to give money to the church. If people believed in God and lived by the bible, their souls would be saved. This idea is only able to be mentioned because now many people are exposed to the bible. #printingpress #gutenberg
Results of Luther Pope was outraged, and declared him a heretic (excommunicated him) Luther's ideas split the church! People who sided with him are called Protestants. #protest Luther translated the new testament into German, people can read it for themselves. Luther thought church officials should not interfere with politics.
Write down what the purpose of each picture is in your opinion?
Other Protestant reformers William Tyndale thought everyone should be able to read bible. Tyndale translated the Bible to English. The catholic church in England arrested him…they eventually executed him.
William Tyndale In England, however, under the 1408 Constitutions of Oxford, it was strictly forbidden to translate the Bible into the native tongue. This ban was vigorously enforced by Cardinal Wolsey and the Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas More, in an attempt to prevent the rise of English 'Lutheranism'. The only authorised version of the Bible was St Jerome's Latin translation, known as the 'Vulgate', made in the fourth century and understood only by highly-educated people (WOW)1408 Constitutions of OxfordCardinal WolseySir Thomas MoreVulgate
John Calvin Believed in predestination. God knows who will be saved before people are born…Chosen before birth. Nothing you do could change Gods plan. #Calivinists
Henry the VIII Wanted a son to follow in his footsteps as king. 1 st wife could only have daughters. Wanted the Catholic church to grant him a divorce. But the church believed strongly in no divorce. Henry made his own church which allowed divorce, the Church of England.
Henry the VIII The Church of England, did not vary much from the Catholic church. His efforts allowed for other protestant groups to rise up in England.