ARTEMIS Industry Association Title Presentation - 1 Brokerage 2011 Verification Support for Automotive Safety (ISO26262)
ARTEMIS Industry Association Title Presentation - 2 Embedded Systems Testing and Verification Support for ISO26262 Target: safety relevant, embedded, (automotive+) applications - e.g. steering, braking, airbags, drive by wire controls - Particular relevance to EV control technologies Problem: Computational state of embedded devices can be disturbed by transient effects - EM and RF fields, ESD and voltage transients - Safety features advocated by standard (redundancy, diversity) - How to prove robustness to disturbance of implemented features? Proposal: a “Common Platform” for proving the efficacy of safety features for uProcessor control subsystems under ISO26262; - Test platforms/methods/benchmarks...
ARTEMIS Industry Association Title Presentation - 3 Embedded Systems Testing and Verification Support for ISO26262 Applications Automotive Space, avionics, ITS Silicon design & arch level Microcontroller Multicore aspects Interfaces to sensors/actuators (IOs + A/D + D/A) -> extend to include S/W level, more ES-generic? Verification & test techniques – integrated approach Simulation tools, methods, languages H/W verification platforms Formal methods Fault simulation Physical test Link to requirements H/W + S/W co-design Automation (test generation, results analysis, apply domain-specific knowledge ) Fault analysis and characterisation
ARTEMIS Industry Association Title Presentation - 4 Next steps Potentially of interest to: Certification agencies Automotive supply chain (OEM, Tier 1, Tier 2) Other sectors characterised by harsh real-time operating environments Design and verification tool vendors High level of interest today (~20 organisations) Synergies with other projects (Motorbrain, RECOMP, Pollux, Compass)
ARTEMIS Industry Association Title Presentation - 5 Thank you, Helen Finch (Infineon UK)