1 „Science Forum Poland-Japan 2009” „S&T cooperation for Japanese and European institutes and researchers under the 7th Framework Program and Marie Curie.


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Presentation transcript:

1 „Science Forum Poland-Japan 2009” „S&T cooperation for Japanese and European institutes and researchers under the 7th Framework Program and Marie Curie Action” 11 December 2009, Embassy of Poland in Japan Tokyo Japan Dr. Barbara Rhode Head of the Science and Technology Section European Commission Delegation to Japan

2 On 1 December 2009 the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force The two new important positions in the EU Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy was appointed as the first President of the European Council Trade Commissioner Baroness Catherine Ashton as the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

3 Ms Geoghegan-Quinn is the first Irish woman to be nominated to the European commission.

4 Reinforcing S&T cooperation EU - Japan EU-Japan S&T Agreement l Signed on 30 November 2009 l will enhance the EU Japan collaboration in Science and Technology l Regular Joint Steering Committee meetings l Priority setting

5 l Has been created to better connect the S&T landscapes of the 27 Member States l It is the EU Research Framework Programme (FP)  now FP7 l It is open for the participation of all countries l Therefore –if you or your institute are located in Japan you can participate –The Framework Programme is the most substantial and open research funding instrument we know l it is very attractive for ambitious researchers from all over the world. The EU’s S&T Funding instrument

6 Budgets of the EU Framework Programmes NB: Budgets in current prices. Source: Annual Report 2003, plus FP7 revised proposal

7 Duration: 7 years (except EURATOM: 5 years) Budget: over € 53 billion Structure: with 4 Specific Programmes + EURATOM + JRC Integration of the international dimension into all Specific Programmes FP7: structure

8 FP7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom +

9 FP7 Indicative breakdown (53 € bn)

10 27 EU Member States FP7 + Associated States = 39 Iceland Norway Switzerland Liechtenstein Croatia Turkey Albania FYROM (Macedonia) Montenegro Serbia Bosnia Herzegovina Israel Associated Countries contributing to FP7 7th EU Research Framework Programme Total FP7 Budget ( ) above 53 billion €

11 Basic Principles Public calls for proposals detailed in annual work- programmes, Scientific excellence Peer review, competitive selection Trans-national cooperation Cost-sharing Participants own the results

General: 3 independent participants – From 3 different Member States (MS) or Associated countries (AC) – Plus additional partners from any country Minimum conditions for participation

13 Cooperation M€ 1.Health 2.Food, Agriculture &Biotechnology 3.Information & Communication Technologies 4.Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & new Production Technologies 5.Energy 6.Environment (including Climate Change) 7.Transport (including Aeronautics) 8.Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities 9.Space 10.Security FP – 2013

14 For Japan l Normally co-funding l Or matching funds are required

Cooperation : M€ 32,413

16 Calls for proposals

17 FP7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom +

18 European Research Council 7,4 bn € Support frontier research projects 100 % reimbursement of projects All fields of science and scholarship are eligible investigator-driven, bottom-up Excellence is the only valid criterion individual team + research project Independent individual teams in Europe Nationality of researchers not relevant, host organisation to be located in EU or AS

19 European Research council l Two streams of activity : –ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant scheme (ERC Starting Grant) –ERC Advanced Investigator Researcher Grant scheme (ERC Advanced Grant)

20 FP7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom +

21 Nobel Prize Physics 1903 and Chemistry 1911

22 Peter Grünberg Albert Fert Forschungszentrum Jülich Unité Mixte de Physique Jülich, Germany CNRS/THALES Orsay, France

23 –No thematic priorities –increased private sector participation –Strengthened international dimension –with focus on structuring impact –Balanced gender objective, also reintegration –Continuity of FP6, Guiding Principles:

24 1. Initial training: Initial Training Networks 1. Initial training: Initial Training Networks 3. Industry dimension: Industry-academia partnership and pathways 3. Industry dimension: Industry-academia partnership and pathways 2. Life long training and career development: Intra European Fellowships* Reintegration Grants Co-funding of national programmes 2. Life long training and career development: Intra European Fellowships* Reintegration Grants Co-funding of national programmes 4. World fellowships: Outgoing fellowships Incoming fellowships International Research Staff Exchange Scheme 4. World fellowships: Outgoing fellowships Incoming fellowships International Research Staff Exchange Scheme 5. Specific actions Such as: ‘Researchers’ Night’; Euraxess … “People” under FP7 = 5 Marie Curie building blocks

25 World Fellowships International Incoming Fellowships IIF If you are longer in Japan than 3 years resident Or intersted as a Polish Institute to host a Japanese researcher Incoming individual fellowships for experienced top class researchers to work in the EU and Ass.  at least four years after graduation (post doc)  to develop cooperation  Proposal is submitted by the researcher together with the host organisation  For 1 to 2 years  Salary plus contribution towards research related costs

26 l For Europeans to work at an institute in Japan l For Japanese Institutes to receive Europeans Experienced EU/AC outgoing individual fellowships, to be trained in a third country institute or organisation –at least 4 years after graduation –Funding for up to 3 years in total  -- with 1-2 years abroad –To establish cooperation –Based on a personal ‘career development plan’ –Mandatory return fellowship World Fellowships International Outgoing Fellowships IOF

27 International Research Staff Exchange Scheme “IRSES” concept  Not open to all countries -for S&T agreement countries as preferential relations  IRSES focus on: Structure building – through exchange and networking, including personal career development  Important instrument for the Thematic Programmes to built up new research collaborations  Giving opportunities for short term international exchange  Co-funding requested from non-ICPC countries  Funds have to be made available from industrialized partner countries

28 IRSES International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Participation rules  Min: 2 independent research organisations in 2 different EU/AC countries and min one organisations in one of the 29 third countries  Duration of exchange partnership: 2-4 years  Scientific staff, management and technical staff  Short term exchanges (up to 1 year per person)  Continuation of salary  Coordinator from EU/AC

29 Countries with EC agreements on S&T: Argentina*, Australia, Brazil*, Canada, China*, Chile*, Egypt*, India*, Japan, South Korea, Mexico*, Morocco*, New Zealand, Russia*, South Africa*, Tunisia*, Ukraine*, United States Countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP):  Eastern Europe & Central Asia (EECA) Armenia*, Azerbaijan*, Belarus*, Georgia*, Moldova*, Ukraine*  Mediterranean Partner Countries (MCP) Algeria*, Egypt*, Jordan*, Lebanon*, Libya*, Morocco*, Palestinian-administrated areas*, Syrian Arab Rep*., Tunisia* IRSES - Which countries ?

30 IRSES Now open Closing date 25 March 2010 Attention closing hour = Brussels time (!)

31 1. Initial training: Initial Training Networks 1. Initial training: Initial Training Networks 3. Industry dimension: Industry-academia partnership and pathways 3. Industry dimension: Industry-academia partnership and pathways 2. Life long training and career development: Intra European Fellowships* Reintegration Grants Co-funding of national programmes 2. Life long training and career development: Intra European Fellowships* Reintegration Grants Co-funding of national programmes 4. World fellowships: Outgoing fellowships Incoming fellowships International Research Staff Exchange Scheme 4. World fellowships: Outgoing fellowships Incoming fellowships International Research Staff Exchange Scheme 5. Specific actions Such as: ‘Researchers’ Night’; Euraxess … “People” under FP7 = 5 Marie Curie building blocks

32 Networks linking participants from 3 MS and Ass. Countries as the hosts of training programmes –  additional host from third countries possible –involvement of private business sector –open to researchers from third countries  Allowances –given to “early-stage” ( up to five years after graduation, time for PhD +) researchers and –senior « visiting scientists » positions  Vacancies will be published and can be looked up on the “mobility portals” – Initial Training Networks ITN: Marie Curie Networks for early stage training

33 l Enhance cooperation and skills exchange between academia and industry on a common research project –At least two different Member States or Associated countries (one from EU 27) and in addition possible: third countries partners –At least one organisation from each sector –Funding for 3-4 years –Networking activities, workshops/conferences, including for researchers from outside the partnership 3. Marie Curie Industry partnerships and pathways (IAPP)

34 Both FP6 & FP7 projects

35 FP6 and FP7 vacancies

36 Marie Curie Actions 2009/10 MC ActionBudget (M€)Next call openDeadline IRSES (Exchange) 30 m €25/11/0925 March 2010 IIF (Incoming) 28 m€17/03/1017/08/10 IOF (Outgoing) 30 m €17/03/1017/08/10 RG32 €9/10/099/03/10 7/09/10 ITN (Initial) 243,79 m € (2010) 8/09/0922/12/20 09

37 ERA-MORE, the European Network of Mobility Centres ( EURAXESS Services* ) l Euraxess Service -- the European Network of Mobility Centres. l As a researcher you have free access to a Europe wide customised assistance service offered by ERA-MORE l These 200 centres in 32 countries assist researchers in all matters relating to professional and daily life, including –information on legal issues, –social security, –health and –taxes, –everyday life –as well as family support. l Click on the country you are interested in to contact the local Mobility Centre.

38 To be implemented.... on a voluntary basis To be implemented.... on a voluntary basis

39 The European Charter and Code ( EURAXESS Rights* ) l Enhancement of quality l Clarify commitments and obligations l Ethical standards and professional responsibility l Accountability and supervision l Working conditions l Funding and salaries l Gender and equal opportunities l Selection and transparency l Recognitions of qualifications etc…

40 The online enquiry service ec.europa.eu/research /enquiries NOTICE: During the seasonal break (24 Dec Jan 2010) the service will be closed and replies may be delayed.

41 欧州連合 - EU - 駐日欧州委員会代表部 公式ホームページ Thank you for your attention!