Arthur Staats Daisy Hunt Creativity Seminar Summer 2015
Who is Arthur Staats? Born: January 17, 1924 in Elmsford, New York Education: University of California at Los Angeles BA 1949 MA 1953 PhD in Experimental Psychology 1956 Military: Navy from Married: Carolyn Kaiden February 1,1953 They have two children- boy and girl
Accomplishments Past Positions Arizona State University from – Assistant Professor, then became professor of Psychology University of California at Berkeley from – visiting professor University of Wisconsin from professor of educational psychology Memberships American Psychological Association American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for Research in Child Development New York Academy of Science Current Position University of Hawaii Present- Professor
Published Works (these are not all of them)
Behaviorism Staats agreed with Skinner – personality being learned behavior Our ability to learn helps us adapt, not our biology- evolution Personality is a cause of behavior Special importance for later on in life Personality was a behavior language concept Behavior modification, behavior therapy, and behavior assessment.
Behaviorism Time-out Procedure Removal of a child from a reinforcing environment Used in schools and by parents It reduces the mistaken behavior without punishing severally Token Reinforcement Program Through rewards Positive behavior is rewarded Negative behavior is not Emotional responses help guide the types of behavior
Basic Behavioral Repertoires Start at birth and continue throughout life Early learning helps with more complex learning in life Learning is complex and continuous and results from combinations of behavior If the behavior is not learned at an early age, then more complex learning might not take place There are three behavioral repertoires: Emotional- Motivation Language- Cognitive Sensory- Motor
Emotional Motivation Repertoire Emotional responses to various stimuli Biological Positive to food Negative to pain Classical conditioning Anxiety, fears, and phobias Parents Positive or negative reactions The various emotional responses create different people These responses build foundation for mature behavior
Language – Cognitive Repertoire Thoughts and self speech direct behavior Children who are visually able to see words in their head, are better at reading Children tend to be stronger in reading and math Language for objects are in place, students can think more abstractly
Sensory – Motor Repertoire Body kinesthetic skill building Body movements reflect our beliefs Build self confidence Practice builds competent behavior, just not in athletics
Behaviorism Biological influences- self soothing, confidence, self helping during trials, internal voice Social interactions – learning cues, appropriate behaviors, one’s effects on others Child development- Nature vs. Nurture The ability to learn new behaviors to be able to survive Our biology can slow our learning Measurement of traits- behaviors could be used to measure personality
References Arthur (Wilbur) Staats. (2002). In Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from v=2.1&u=uphoenix_uopx&it=r&p=LitRC&sw=w&asid=6ba99ab2c8caa513d8b7e82717f00 0d4 v=2.1&u=uphoenix_uopx&it=r&p=LitRC&sw=w&asid=6ba99ab2c8caa513d8b7e82717f00 0d4 Crawford, K. (2004). Skinner and Staats, The Challenge of Behaviorism. Retrieved from Yoder, P. L. (2013, January). Staats, Arthur W. The marvelous learning animal: what makes human nature unique. CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 50(5), 935. Retrieved from =2.1&u=uphoenix_uopx&it=r&p=LitRC&sw=w&asid=71dccd0ae2e1f8c6ffaf4b68a83feae 2 =2.1&u=uphoenix_uopx&it=r&p=LitRC&sw=w&asid=71dccd0ae2e1f8c6ffaf4b68a83feae 2