Acute General Surgery 9/13-9/19 Barbara Adams Tori Whitlow Andrew Tracey
DATEATT/RESPATIENTDIAGNOSISPROCEDURE 9/15 Goldberg Whitlow Posterior rectal abscess and buttock abscess Transrectal drainage, incision & drainage buttock abscess 9/15 Jayaraman Newton Wickramaratne Buttock abscess Incision & drainage of buttock abscess 9/15 Jayaraman Newton Palmer Leg abscess/ulceration Incision/drainage, debridement leg ulcer 9/15 Malhotra Newton Palmer Left breast abscess Incision & drainage left breast abscess 9/15 Malhotra Shah Symptomatic cholelithiasisRobotic cholecystectomy 9/15 Malhotra Shah Symptomatic cholelithiasisRobotic cholecystectomy 9/15 Ferrada Tracey HemorrhoidsHemorrhoidectomy
DATEATT/RESPATIENTDIAGNOSISPROCEDURE 9/15 Goldberg Whitlow Symptomatic CholelithiasisLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy 9/15 Goldberg Whitlow Anal condyloma, hemorrhoids Excision anal condyloma, hemorrhoidectomy 9/15 Goldberg Whitlow Pilonidal CystExcision pilonidal cyst 9/16 Goldberg Adams PeritonitisExlap, small bowel resection 9/16 Goldberg Adams Ventral herniaOpen ventral hernia repair 9/16 Goldberg Whitlow Respiratory failureTracheostomy 9/17 Ferrada Adams Inguinal herniaOpen right inguinal hernia
DATEATT/RESPATIENTDIAGNOSISPROCEDURE 9/17 Goldberg Whitlow Choledocholithiasis s/p ERCPLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy 9/17 Jayaraman Newton Palmer Buttock abscessIncision & Drainage buttock abscess 9/18AnandSymptomatic cholelithiasisLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy 9/18 Anand Whitlow DysphagiaPEG 9/18 Anand Whitlow DysphagiaPEG 9/18GoldbergHydrocephalusVP Shunt (peritoneal) 9/18 Anand Whitlow HydrocephalusVP Shunt (peritoneal)
DATEATT/RESPATIENTDIAGNOSISPROCEDURE 9/19 Anand Tracey HidradenitisExcision of hidradenitis 9/19 Goldberg Adams Fistula in anoEUA, fistulectomy 9/19 Goldberg/Luppens Adams Whitlow Coots Hidradenitis Loop colostomy, excision of perineal hidradenitis with allograft 9/19 Goldberg Whitlow Hidradenitis with postoperative bleeding from perineum EUA, hemostasis 9/19 Goldberg Adams ColostomyColostomy reversal 9/19 Anand Nigro Acute CholecystitisLap to open cholecystectomy
Complications Attending/ Resident DATEPATIENTDx/PROCEDURECOMPLICATION Goldberg/Luppen s Adams Whitlow Coots 9/19 Dx: Hidradenitis Loop colostomy, excision of perineal hidradenitis with allograft Postop hemorrhage with reexploration of perineum and hemostasis Aboutanos Adams 9/17 Dx: Perforated diverticulitis 9/1: Exlap, sigmoidectomy, Abthera 9/3: Washout, skin closure 9/6: Washout, fascial closure, VAC to skin Intraabdominal abscess