N EWSLETTERS Can keep parents informed about: the center’s progress, program philosophy, special programs, and future plans
C AN INCLUDE : 1. Monthly calendar 2. Information about fund-raisers 3. Updates of staff changes 4. Activities 5. A profile of a staff person, another parent, or a center volunteer 6. News items from each classroom 7. The “Director’s Message,” which is a must for each issue
T EN T IPS FOR A G REAT P ARENT N EWSLETTER S YLVIA R EICHEL, AUTHOR OF T HE P ARENT N EWSLETTER, T HE P ARENT N EWSLETTER 1. Make your newsletter attractive. Pay attention to its appearance. Will parents be enticed to pick it up and read it? 2. Be consistent. Use the same color of paper, style of print, nameplate (name of your school and date published), and publication schedule each issue so that it is readily identified as your school or center newsletter.
T EN T IPS 3. Know your audience. Use information written in an appropriate style and at a reading level that will appeal to the parents in your setting. 4. Personalize it. People like to see their names (or their children's names) in print. Interview parents and children. The newsletter is also a great place publish thank-yous for contributions to your child care.
T EN T IPS 5. Share what is going on in the classroom and how parents can reinforce and extend your classroom goals in specific ways. Consider, for example, publishing the words to songs and fingerplays your class is learning.
T EN T IPS 6. Be sure that what you print is timely. Do not print outdated information. 7. List Web sites, books, and magazine articles that relate to your newsletter article, so that interested parents can seek more information on the topic.
T EN T IPS 8. Begin the habit of recording ideas for future newsletter columns. Keep a small notebook in your pocket or purse for jotting down your observations. 9. Look at other newsletters to see what their strengths and weaknesses are. What makes them more attractive or less attractive? How would you improve them?
T EN T IPS 10. Solicit feedback. What do your readers like? What would they like to see changed?