Default view: This is what the map looks like when you first arrive at the web page.
Default view: This is what the map looks like when you first arrive at the web page. What do these triangle symbols represent?
Default view: This is what the map looks like when you first arrive at the web page. To find out, look at the Map Layers panel.
Default view: This is what the map looks like when you first arrive at the web page. Using the scroll bar on the Map Layers panel, scroll down until you see checked boxes. These indicate map layers that are displayed on the map.
Default view: This is what the map looks like when you first arrive at the web page. These checked boxes indicate Gulfwatch and Mussel Watch monitoring sites are currently displayed on the map using green and light blue symbols, respectively.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. For this task, we are interested in air temperature monitoring sites, which can be displayed using these two map layers. To get info about a map layer, click the link next to it...
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. …and a new window will open with information from the data provider. In this case, one air temperature map layer is Canadian and the other American.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. We need to select the checkboxes for air temperature and clear the checkboxes for Gulfwatch and Mussel Watch.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. Now we need to tell the map to display the newly checked layers. To do this, scroll down to the bottom of Map Layers panel...
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. …and click the Refresh Map button.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. The map is now updated and shows the sites for which air temperature data are available.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In this example task, we’ll look at data for these sites.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. To see a close-up map of a site, first click on the zoom tool…
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. …and then click on one of our sites of our sites.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the close-up map, we can see that our site of interest is Lawrence, MA.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. To see our second site of interest, click the Zoom to menu…
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. …and select Downeast Maine.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. The map jumps to show our second site of interest: Acadia National Park
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. To see our third site of interest, click the Zoom to menu and select Yarmouth & Barrington.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. The map shows our third site of interest: Yarmouth, NS.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. To begin looking at data and creating graphs, click on the Graphs tab.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. Then click Go to Graphs
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. A new window opens for graphing. Because we want to create three graphs, click Add Graph two times. This will add two more graphing panels below.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. Now we have the three graphing panels that we need. Begin by clicking the Graph tab in the top graphing panel.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the top panel, we will create a graph for Yarmouth, NS. Click the Dataset menu in the top graphing panel…
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the top panel, we will create a graph for Yarmouth, NS. …and select AHCCD – Air Temperature. As we saw earlier, this is the air temperature dataset for Canadian sites.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the top panel, we will create a graph for Yarmouth, NS. Click the Site menu and select Yarmouth.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the top panel, we will create a graph for Yarmouth, NS. Click the Parameter menu and select Mean Air Temperature.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the top panel, we will create a graph for Yarmouth, NS. Click the Year from menu and select 1907.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the top panel, we will create a graph for Yarmouth, NS. Click the Year to menu and select 2007.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the top panel, we will create a graph for Yarmouth, NS. The graph appears in the top panel.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the middle panel, we will make a graph for Lawrence, MA. Follow the same steps that we used in the top panel. Begin by clicking the Graphs tab.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the middle panel, we will make a graph for Lawrence, MA. This time select USHCN – Air Temperature in the Dataset menu. This is the dataset for the U.S.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the middle panel, we will make a graph for Lawrence, MA. Select Lawrence, MA in the Site menu.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the middle panel, we will make a graph for Lawrence, MA. Select the years, and the graph appears.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. In the bottom panel, we will make a graph for Acadia National Park. Follow the same steps that you used to make the Lawrence graph, but select Acadia National Park in the Site menu.
Example Task 1: Make graphs of mean air temperature from at three sites. Task 1 is complete.